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╔═══════════════╗DATE:APRIL 13TH 1899╚═══════════════╝╔═══════════════╗TIME:08:03:34╚═══════════════╝

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APRIL 13TH 1899

It's currently the place we're camping at til we get our money. Much better than living out back at mountain, cold as shit that was. We've all been lying low, trying to earn some cash from the nearby town called Valentine. My injury got better obviously, since it's been a few weeks. I think.. I think this place makes all of us feel better, in spite of Blackwater. Anyways, nothing's really changed. We're still running and it's got me thinking. How much more running do we have to do until we're satisfied?


"Is that a journal I see there, (l/n)?" Chuckling, you turned your head to face Arthur's. Giving him a sly smile before putting the journal away. "It's not like you don't do it too, Morgan. Guess you drawing on that journal of yours, sorta inspired me." The two of you sat in silence as you stared at the campers doing their own jobs. "Speaking of which, what have you been drawing in that journal?"

Arthur's eyes widened slightly at the question as he stumbled with his words, for a grown man, he always had some moments where you'd question his age. "...Here take a look, I guess." He opened up his sachel before bring out the familiar brown leathered journal. You smiled at him before handing him your journal in return.

Both were engrossed with each other's personal journal, sitting in silence as they read through each passage written in the pages and as they analysed the messy yet detailed drawings. (y/n) paused as she took in the detail of Arthur's drawing. It resembled a woman, her hair messed up as she laid down, eyes closed. She seemed familiar to you as you took in the detail, before coming to a realisation.

He drew a portrait of you.

You scoffed in disbelief as Arthur gave you a confused stare. "W-was this when we we're back at the mountain, when I was injured?" Stumbling with your words, Arthur chuckled nervously before placing a hand to your shoulder. "Couldn't resist."

The two of you stared into each others eyes, taking in the beauty of its colour. His ocean blue eyes stared at your (e/c), unconsciously, your body started leaning forward as did his. You caught his gaze slightly turning to your plump lips, bringing up his hand, he took hold of your chin, gently. "Arthur.."

Your sweet voice spoke to him, as he gave a response, his rough and husky voice spoke, satisfying you. "(y/n)." Your lips were inches away from connecting, the atmosphere changing within seconds as you stared at each other lovingly. It was obviously clear that you felt something for the male, these past seven years together weren't just for nothing. The only thing that got in between your relationship with Arthur, was the fact that he fell for someone else. To say that it didn't hurt would be an understatement.

Before anything could escalate, it seemed that fate had different plans for the both of you. "(y/n)! (y/n), I need your help." The moment you heard the tent open, you could feel the adrenaline inside you increase dramatically, the shock filling your veins. You practically jumped, like literally.

You stumbled with yourself before praying to the gods as Arthur and you fell onto the ground, the male groaning in disappointment as he missed his chance... or maybe just pain. "O-oh." You turned your gaze to the person before looking back down at Arthur. "I-it's not what it looks like, Abigail." The female stumbled with her words before giving the both of an awkward smile. "God, I'm sorry you two. I'll go and ask someone else."

You quickly got onto your feet, holding out a hand to the male. He gladly took hold of your hand, before pulling you into his frame, wrapping his arm as around you. "Arthur, w-what-" You were cut off by him as he slammed his lips against yours, his hands caressing your cheeks with his eyes closed as you felt your soul leave your body. Realising the situation, you responded by kissing the male back, your eyes closed as you relaxed, a small smile plastered on his face as he deepened the intimate action.  Before things got heated, you pulled away, out of breath as you gasped out the words. "What was that for?"

"Figured it was time I let out my feelings. I mean, I ain't getting any younger now am I?"

"But I thought you still loved... you know?" You gave him a confused stare as he smiled. "I really was a fool back then was I?" Realising what he referred to, a hand was held to your face in embarrassment. "I forgot I wrote that in the journal."

"Of course you would."

"Shut up."


(a/n): i'm sorry for this disappointment of a chapter, i really am losing inspiration smh :,)) am I rushing this too much or is it okay with you all? sorry if the chappy is too short oof

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(a/n): i'm sorry for this disappointment of a chapter, i really am losing inspiration smh :,)) am I rushing this too much or is it okay with you all? sorry if the chappy is too short oof. anyways, we're in chapter two of the game so gEt reAdy fOr anGsT iN chApTer fOuR-
thank you all for the support and i'll see you all in the next chapter [it'll be 100000x better than this shit chapter-]

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2018 ⏰

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