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╔═══════════════╗DATE: JANUARY 20TH 1892╚═══════════════╝╔═══════════════╗TIME:AM 10:37:04╚═══════════════╝

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AM 10:37:04

The twenty nine year old rode on his horse, going into the town as he searched for the saloon. Arthur wasn't quite familiar with the area considering how Dutch and the gang always seemed to be on the move, always avoiding the law. Spotting the old and slightly damaged building, he stopped and got off his horse, giving the animal a small pat before holstering his shotgun. As he walked into the saloon, he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable when everyone went silent as they stared at him. He shook it off and walked towards the bartender, taking a seat as he called for a drink.

As he waited, he stared around the saloon, taking in every detail as his mind wondered off before gaining his senses back once he felt a presence behind him. He felt their hand place onto his shoulder as he stiffened before realising who it was. "What took you so long?" Arthur shrugged as he stared at his companion, Dutch. "I got jumped by a stranger. Said they broke their ankle but in the end, you know what happened..." He stared at his drink, twirling it around as Dutch sat beside him, chuckling. "Didn't think I'd hear that any day sooner." Smiling to himself, Arthur scanned the place as Dutch ordered himself a glass of whiskey. His eyes landed on a familiar looking woman who drank her glass of wine peacefully. The sunlight kissed her skin making her look as though she was glowing. Dutch stared at the man before following his eyes to see what Arthur was looking at. The older man smirked before nudging the younger fellow, watching as he was brought back to his senses. "You keeping something from me, son?"

Arthur scoffed before taking a sip from his drink and spoke, "I met her a few days ago. Turns out she has other businesses with, Colm O'Driscoll, himself. She got caught up in a shootout with them boys of his, I just simply helped the lady out." Dutch turned away as he muttered under his breath mocking the younger male. "It was a one time thing, nothing else." He watched as Dutch chugged down the remainder of his drink before he stared at him. "So what business does she have to do with Colm-"

They were cut off by the loud shouts coming from outside the saloon. "Miss (l/n)! We know that you're in there. Make this easy for yourself and get out of there so we can discuss this like proper people. If you don't, you'll regret this!" The female seemed to be unbothered by the threats coming from outside as she continued drinking from her glass of wine. As she finished the drink, she slammed the glass down onto the table before getting her shotgun ready. Both the males turned to stare at each other before turning back to the scene in front of them, Arthur casually taking a sip from his glass. "This is your finale warning, Miss (l/n)!"

The (h/c) girl stood up from her seat as she went towards the nearest window, sneaking a peak at the outside before cursing to herself. "It's so nice to see you boys." She sarcastically yelled out as she aimed her gun from the window, making sure it wasn't too obvious. "Get out of there, (l/n)! Or face the consequences!" The (e/c) girl smirked to herself as she aimed her gun towards one of the O'Driscoll boys and muttered under breath. "Oh you'll be facing it yourself." Without any doubt in her, she took a deep breath as she brought her hand to the trigger and took her shot. The saloon was soon covered with bullet holes, (y/n) still taking cover from wall, continued shooting down the men. Dutch nodded to Arthur as they both proceeded to head near the girl, both readying their guns as they prepared themselves. "Miss (l/n)." You turned your eyes to see who it was for a brief moment, the smirk on your face widened as you realised who it was. Turning your eyes back to the remaining O'Driscoll boys, you continued shooting them down as you grunted out your words. "We really need to stop meeting like this, Mr Morgan."

The three of you stood in front of the saloon door as you all nodded to each other, prepared. "Once we finish them off, we get out of here quick." Arthur kicked open the door as he quickly aimed and shot down the boys. "Get ready to mount your horse!" Dutch yelled at Arthur as he shot down some of them. "Miss (l/n), you're gonna ride with me. Is that alright with you?" He grunted as he felt one of the billets brush by his cheek. "Ain't gotta a choice now do I, Mr Morgan?" The three of you hastily ran towards the horses as the rest of Colm's men retreated as they saw the numerous lawmen enter the premises. You quickly hopped onto Arthur's horse and held onto him tightly as you shot down some of the lawmen chasing after you, Dutch doing the same. "Into the trees, we'll loose em'!"

"On your left!" Dutch yelled as you shot down the men, gritting your teeth. "I think we're loosin' them!" You breathed heavily due to the adrenaline running through your veins at the very moment. "Let's head back to camp. Miss (l/n), isn't it?" You heard the older male ask as you all rode back to the campsite. "(y/n) (l/n). Pleased to be of your aquitance, Mr..?"

"Dutch van der linde at your service, Miss (l/n). That was some shooting back there." You chuckled as you unconsciously leaned against the male in front of you. Arthur stiffened as he felt you lean against him, his heartbeat rose slightly as a small blush appeared on his cheeks. "That sounds kinda familiar.." You sighed as you realised that you were leaning against the stocky, built man in front of you. You muttered an apology in response. He nodded in understanding before heading deeper into the woods, the place was secluded, perfect for a hideout. Both men halted as they reached their destination and got of their horses. Arthur held out a hand for you, in which you gladly accepted. "So Miss (l/n), you seem to be able to take care of yourself." Dutch spoke as you all walked closer to the camp fire. "Well, in a world like this, you learn some things the hard way." The three of you chuckled in agreement before stopping in front of the tents. "Miss (l/n), what do you say you take up an opportunity of a lifetime? Why don't you join us here, join the gang. We need more people like you here." You smiled before answering. "I'll..think about it. Y'all seem like good people so.."

"Oh we aren't good people but we aren't as bad as some." Arthur nodded in agreement before speaking. "You should stay and rest. It's up to you really." You frowned and spoke on not wanting to be disturbance all the people living here. "I can assure you, Miss (l/n), you won't be disturbing anyone. Now, get some rest." Dutch nudged at you and watched as you gave the both of them a smile. "Now Arthur, can you show Miss (l/n) to a tent?" The younger male nodded and smiled at the girl. He tilted his head and waved you over. You smiled in return and walked away with the ocean eyed man. Dutch chuckled to himself as he recited Arthur's words, shaking his head as he watched the two of you laugh together.



(a/n): hey y'all!! thank you guys so much for all the support you've been giving this story, it's just unbelievable that people are reading this :,)) anyways, just wanna give you guys a heads up because i will not be able to update as much this week as i will be having a school camp from the 22nd to 24th. hope you all understand and thank you for reading!!