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╔═══════════════╗DATE:JULY 18TH 1889╚═══════════════╝╔═══════════════╗TIME:AM 10:37:08╚═══════════════╝

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JULY 18TH 1889
AM 10:37:08

Today was the day. The day I confront the killer of my parents, the person who changed my view of the world and the person who took away my happiness just with a snap of their fingers. At the fine age of twelve, I had already experienced the harsh reality of the world. It was always going to cruel to everyone, and the world would always be filled with good and bad people. I never understood why my parents always gave such a huge emphasis on that. It's funny looking back at it now.

After they got murdered, I realised what they meant and had to learn it in the hardest way, possible. The law did nothing to search for the killers, told me it was a lost cause. What a pathetic joke. They were being fed with large amounts of money given by the rich, while the poor were left to fend for themselves. Being my stubborn self, I refused to believe what words that came out their disgusting mouths. I wanted, needed, to seek vengeance for my parents. I wanted them to feel the pain I felt when I lost everything. I wanted them to suffer and feel the agony.

But it was never an easy journey. I had to learn how to fend for myself for the next seven years. Growing up in a area with high poverty was hard and it wasn't safe. The lurking rapists and murderers that hid in the dark made it hard to live. I was only lucky enough to find people who were willing to teach me how to defend myself. As time passed, I found clues which linked my parents association with a gang called, "Hyos Gang". Apparently my father had been loaning money from them as our family couldn't afford the expenses. This was obviously the last resort if he had to confide to a gang. But here I am now. A nineteen year old seeking vengeance for her dead parents.

As I reached closer to the hut, I readied my shotgun and repeater, making sure I had enough ammo in case things went wild. It sure as hell would anyway, this was a gang after all. But all I needed to do was find their leader, Kennel Mclanster. The old bastard deserved to die by my hands, he deserved to die a slow and painful death.

I hitched my horse and grabbed one of my pistols and holstered it. Hiding my weapons using my coat, I approached the hut putting up a fake act. "Oh sir, c-can you help me? I've lost my way a-and," you choked up as you let out fake tears whilst making sure you had a hold of your pistol. "No, now get lost lady, before things turn to hell for you." You wiped away your tears before staring up at the man, your eyes filled with hate and anger. You whipped out your pistol and aimed it at his head, briefly speaking while you pulled the trigger. "That's not how you treat a lady, do ya' now?"

You quickly grabbed hold of the man's body, dragging it into one of the bushes, using it to hide the corpse. Realising you weren't hiding your identity, you lifted up your handkerchief to cover your face. Hearing footsteps approaching, you hastily took cover at behind one of the crates. "You hear that just now?" Taking notice of a small rock laying on the ground, you taught of an idea and took a peak as you watched two men approach the area where you shot the unknown man. Tossing the rock towards the direction of the two, you watched as they got distracted by it. Taking this as an opportunity, you quickly equipped your knife and sneakily walked towards one of them, stabbing him in the neck, deep enough to kill. As the body slowly dropped onto the floor, you stabbed the other as you did earlier.

As you did with the first guy, you dragged both the bodies to the nearest bush to cover up your dirty work. "Enough with this foreplay, time for the main event." You told yourself as you quietly walked towards the hut, making sure you weren't seen in the process. Locking the front door, you slowly climbed up the stairs, making sure you weren't making enough noise to alert the rest of the boys. You took. notice of one of the guys standing in front of a door, guarding it. You clicked your tongue in annoyance before whistling to the man. "What the..?"

As he walked towards you, you quickly unarmed him and stabbed him in the neck, his mouth opened in shock. Sliding him down the wall, you laid him down the floor, quietly. You took off your handkerchief and grabbed onto your pistol, twisting the doorknob. As soon as the door opened, you quickly aimed your gun towards the man who stared at you, slight fear in his eyes. Chuckling ever so slightly, you lightly closed the door before smirking at the frightened man. You took notice of his hand reaching for his gun on the table. Taking out your knife, you stabbed into his hand and shoved a cloth into his mouth to muffle his scream. Disarming the gun, you threw it across the room before pulling back the knife.

"Mr Mclanster." You spoke as you bent down towards the frightened man, grabbing a hold of his face, harshly. "We have some unfinished business to deal with." Letting go of his face you pointed your knife towards his face and laughed. "After all this time, I would've expected you to be more...intimidating, perhaps? No matter, this is a discussion about someone familiar. I'm sure you've heard of (f/n) and how your men brutally murdered his family." You seemed to notice that his eyes filled with terror at the mention of your father's murder. The man muffled out his words due to the handkerchief in his mouth. You, wanting to know what he's trying to say, took the cloth out his mouth and listened for his words. "W-what does this have to do with a girl like you?"

Staring at him straight in the eyes, you spoke with your voice filled with venom. "(f/n) (l/n) and (m/n) (l/n) may have perished but you forgot one extra addition to the family." You paused due to the satisfying reaction coming from him. "I am (y/n) (l/n), daughter of the two people you murdered. And now, you're gonna feel the pain that my parents had to go through and now, you will die as slow and as painfully as possible." Shoving the cloth back into his mouth, you watched as he screamed into the cloth muffling his voice as you stabbed him as much as possible. His blood splattered everywhere, reminding you of the state your parents were in. His breathing soon dissipated and his eyes came to a close. His blood splattered onto some parts of your face, your hands covered with the bright red substance, the room smelt of iron and the stench of death filled the small space. Quickly looting the place, you were able to find a decent amount of money, about a thousand or few which could last you months.

Hastily leaving the area, you couldn't help but let out a satisfied smirk out of you as you walked off the hut. The smell of the fire wood burning filled the atmosphere as the building broke down due to heat. Your mission was complete and you felt content with yourself.