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╔═══════════════╗DATE:MARCH 13TH 1899╚═══════════════╝╔═══════════════╗TIME:PM 04:34:06╚═══════════════╝

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MARCH 13TH 1899
PM 04:34:06

The cold licked at your face, as it continued through your clothes, spreading across your skin. With purple lips and a pinch of blue, chattering gently, you wrapped your coat around you tighter, in hopes of warming yourself up. "John? You still there?" Stuttering with your words, you shivered as you awaited for the male to respond. Your breaths hitched as you took in the cold air, finally hearing the rough man's voice. "Still alive, (y/n)."

You laughed weakly as your arms shivered, relieved to know that your companion was alive still. But how long did the two of you have? A couple more days, hours? You thought to yourself that this wasn't the way you'd want to die, hell you expected to be ended by your crimes catching up to you. Hearing the male groan as he put more pressure on his wound, you closed your eyes and heard your voice speak weakly. "They'll find us. Just hang in there, Marston." Hearing no reply from the male, you took the silence as an agreement.

The both of you stayed silent, conserving what energy was left in the both of you, hoping that someone would at least find you. The frigid wind caused the both of you to gasp, your muscles began to feel numb, eyes slowly closing due to fatigue. You jolted up as you heard a loud gunshot echo throughout the place, your desperate yells followed afterwards. You turned your gaze to the wounded man, giving him a comforting smile. "It's gonna be okay, John. It's gonna be okay." You watched as he gave you a nod, before yelling out as well. You could hear the muffled audio of voices close by the two of you. "...It was coming...there."

"Javier..?" You mumbled as you caught the person's voice, recognising it as the mexican. "Over here!" Your husky voice echoed as you heard the footsteps close by, inching nearer and nearer towards the two of you. "You two look like shit." Turning your head to face the familiar voice, you gave him a weak smile, you felt so weak from the cold. "You sure are a sight for sore eyes huh, Arthur?" You chuckled lightly as you groaned when you felt him wrap his arms around you, carrying you as you leaned closer to his body, leaning into his warmth as you sighed in relief with your eyes closed. "Hey Javi." You gave a weak smile towards the mexican, watching as he gave you his signature smirk before speaking. "Well, we can't go back the way we came. Let's go try this way."

John was being carried by Javier while you snuggled deeply into Arthur's arms as he chuckled lightly. "See, I told Dutch that the two of you weren't the right people for this." Weakly punching the male in the chest you chuckled lightly in response before shivering as the wind passed by you. "I'm sure you did."


From the distance, the silhouettes of a pack of wolves were blurred by the strong winds, their growls increased as they stared down the four, taking them as their prey. "You see that on the ridge?" The male asked as he stared at the pack of wolves, realising how fucked up their situation was. Almost as if it were a response, the wolves let out a howl as they stared down at the group. Arthur took notice of this and quickly settled you down, Javier taking you into his arms, together with John. He stumbled as he frantically rushed towards his horse, while Arthur instructed him. "G-give me a gun, Javi." You stuttered as the male settled you onto Arthur's horse. "No, you're not in the right shape or form. Hell, you can barely hold yourself." You gave him a glare as you spoke, trying to convince the man. "He can't hold them off forever. Besides, I'm in a much more 'better' shape than, Marston over here." You watched as the male clicked his tongue before groaning and took out his revolver. "Don't miss."

You quickly took hold the revolver, aiming it as accurately as possible towards one of the wolves. You grunted as you pulled the trigger, almost missing it due to your frail fingers. Shaking the feeling off, you watched as Arthur quickly recovered and took down the remaining wolves. Taking down the last of the wolves, he hastily got onto his horse, you pushed yourself back to give him some space. He yelped as he rushed his horse to catch up with Javier, not making a chance to reprimand you. "What the hell do you think you're doing with a gun, out of all the times? You're still freezing cold, (l/n). You can barely aim right." You quickly shut him down as you aimed your revolver towards the wolves rushing towards the four of you, taking down two of the predators. "You were saying, Morgan?"

He stayed silent before mumbling under his breath, you chuckled to yourself as you looked out in case more of them appeared. "You think we lost them?" You yelled out to the mexican, hearing him respond with a yell. "Anyways, you still with us, Marston?" In response, the wounded male yelled back to him, quickly replying to his question before listening to Javier reassuring him. "You're gonna be okay, we have some shelter now." You leaned your head against Arthur, speaking once more, relief filled your voice. "Thanks for coming for the both of us." You were dismissed by the mexican as you watched as John and him conversed, you staying quiet due to the exhaustion hitting you.

You closed your eyes as time passed by before being gently brought back to your senses when you felt Arthur nudge you. "See those buildings up ahead? That's where we're camped, nearly there now." The four of you stayed silent as the horses rode, before finally reaching the destination. It was pretty clear that you all reached due to the yells coming from both Javier and Arthur. You groaned as you were still leaning against the built male. You felt yourself being carried off the horse, your eyes opened and closed as you tried fighting against the fatigue, before finally dozing off. Arthur stared at your frame, gently brushing away the small strands of your fringe, noticing how pale you looked and how freezing cold you felt. "It's okay now, darlin'. It's okay." He cupped one of his hands haunts your cheek, gently, before leaning down and gave you a small peck on the forehead.

Carrying you towards his room, he made sure you stayed as warm as possible. He checked on you as much as possible as he settled you near the fire. He laid you down comfortably, covering you up in blankets, before getting rest himself. He made sure to stay by your side, and he wasn't going to go against his words.


(a/n): so guys we did it, we reached 4k reads. the fact that we did this in such a short time is just, unbelievable.
anyways, i changed the cover if you haven't noticed yeE. do you like it? thank you all for the support and for the lovely comments, i love you all :,)) see y'all in the next chapterr