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╔═══════════════╗DATE:MARCH 18TH 1899╚═══════════════╝╔═══════════════╗TIME:AM 10:47:32╚═══════════════╝

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MARCH 18TH 1899
AM 10:47:32

"So let me get this straight, we're heading..east? And what's this about a train?" Your face filled with confusion as your brain tried to comprehend the information you were just given. Your brows furrowed, Arthur shook his head in amusement as he stared at your confused expression. "I thought the plan was to lie low, then head back west, Dutch?" The older man gave a blank stare before explaining. "My dear, we need money, everything we have's in Blackwater."

"I know that, I just thought we'd be following the plan, lie low then head back out west. It's just so sudden.." You massaged your head as a way to relieve the pain, wincing slightly as you did so. The male gave you a gentle pat on the shoulder, smiling lightly. "We'll be heading out tomorrow, in the morning." Leaning against the frame of the damaged bed, you stared into space as you spoke. "Do you want me to come with..?"

Dutch watched as Arthur's posture changed slightly, he could tell he was against the idea of you following, especially since you were in such a condition. "Guess it's up to you, (y/n). But you want to come with, get some more rest, it'll be along ride ahead." Dutch spoke as the younger male gave a small frown, before leaving the two of you alone. The both of you stayed in silence, staring off into space. The male gave a glance at you as you closed your eyes, resting. He sighed and spoke, blessing you with his husky and rough voice. "You know you shouldn't be following, (y/n). Listen, I know you want to but-"

"Arthur," The male cut himself off as he heard you say his name, his gaze still plastered onto you. "I'll be fine, okay?" Bending down closer to you he opened his mouth, ready to repel your words. Before you could let that happen, you grabbed onto his hand, shushing the male as he stared at you slightly shocked by your actions and stiffened, slightly. "I'll be fine, Arthur Morgan." You smiled at him as you moved your hand to caress his cheek, the male unconsciously succumbed into your touch. "If you say so, (n/n). Just.. just watch yourself okay?" In return, you gave him a small nod to assure him, before giving him a light peck on the cheek. "I'll be fine." Repeating your words as the two of you stayed, huddled with each other in a comfortable position. "Besides, it's not like I haven't ever not gotten injured."

"(y/n) (l/n)!"

"What? It's true isn't it?"


AM 09:12:03

"Hey boy," you cooed to the chestnut bred horse, lightly brushing him. The horse gave you a small neigh in response as he leaned closer to you. Chuckling, you hummed as you got on, and rode closer towards the gang, quickly taking notice of Hosea, Dutch and Arthur huddled together as they talked. Their voices became clearer as you inched closer, hearing Hosea talk of some rich oil man. As you got off your horse, Arthur's gaze turned towards you before shifting back to the older males in front of him. "Who's this 'rich oil man' you're talking about?" You asked as you crossed your arms, awaiting for a reply.