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╔═══════════════╗DATE: JANUARY 21ST 1892╚═══════════════╝╔═══════════════╗TIME:AM 08:34:19╚═══════════════╝

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AM 08:34:19

You groaned as you woke from your slumber, stretching yourself in the process. Eyes squinting as they adjusted to the bright lights coming from the sun, you rubbed your eyes and sat up from the bed. You fixed yourself up before leaving the tent, grabbing your good old, 'dual-wielding' pistols. As you left the tent, you were greeted with the sight of many unfamiliar faces as they worked on their activities.

"Miss (l/n)," Hearing your name get called, you turned to face the voice, recognising that it was Dutch. You gave him a small smile before speaking. "Thank you for letting me stay the night, I really appreciate it." He brushed you off with a wave of his hand before speaking once more. "It wasn't a problem, Miss. But I do hope that you know the offer still stands."

"I'm still thinking ya know?" Your smile faded away slightly as you walked away from the older male, unknowingly walking towards Arthur's tent. Not paying attention to where you walking, you soon found yourself bumping onto the stocky built male. You gave him a cheeky smile as you apologised. "Don't worry about it, Miss (l/n)."

"I thought I told you call me, (y/n), Mr Morgan." You chuckled slightly as the man stumbled upon his words, watching as he took a breath and spoke, composing himself. "Slipped my mind I guess. In that case, call me Arthur, then." You took his words and smiled the male, your eyes wondering towards the portraits on the shelf. With curiosity slipping into your head, your hands grabbed onto one of the portraits, carefully. Arthur stared at you while you analysed the portrait, he took notice of the small details on your face, the way your eyes lit up at times, the flame in them when you get mad, how your firings cover some parts of your face due to it being messy and the small smile that was plastered on your face. He could feel his heart rate increase as he stared at you, his head felt foggy for a moment. He shook away the feeling as he turned his eyes to the portrait, before smiling as he realised what it was. Well, more specifically who the people in the portrait were.

Arthur scoffed in realisation and chuckled slightly after that. His rough and husky voice spoke while you tilted your head towards him. "Can't believe it's been this long since we took that. Time really flies." A small smile plastered onto his face, you stared at him before speaking, curious. "I take you're the one on the right?" He raised his head to face yours, the both of you stared at each other, realising that there was a lack of space between you two. Giving him your classic cheeky smile, you lean back and scratched your head awkwardly. Arthur scoffed and shook his head, smiling as he turned back to the portrait.

 Arthur scoffed and shook his head, smiling as he turned back to the portrait

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"We took this picture some time ago. It was about the time we was building up the gang, here. Hosea, on the left, he's the right wing man of Dutch. Them both are the closest pack you'll ever see, been friends for years now." You hummed in response, eagerly listening to him talk, Arthur turned his head to look at you for a brief moment. He knew that you were engrossed in the topic and turned his gaze back to the photo, talking once more. "In the middle we have our beloved, Dutch van der Linde. The creator of this group and one of the best people I've ever known. He took me in when I was just a child, found me in the middle of nowhere. The both of them are great men, without them.. without them I wouldn't know what I'd be doing right now." You could tell that the male was fond of the two. You smiled as you stared at the picture, taking in each detail. You pointed to Arthur's figure on the portrait, realising how much different he looked. "That's me alright. Nothing really changed about me, I'm just growing older and older."

"Everyone has a story, Arthur. Good or bad, it all depends on the choices we make." Saying his name felt somewhat natural yet different. It felt like you two were closer, in this case, it was only the beginning. You watched as the male set the portrait back, before turning to face you. "If that's the case, what's your story? If you don't mind me asking." You shook your head and gave him a sad smile, understanding what it meant, the both of you stared off into the distance, taking in the scenery as the sun rises up. "Let's just say my journey.. It hasn't been too great to me." You frowned as you recalled certain events along the way, remembering the tragic events in your life. Arthur took notice of this and placed a hand onto your shoulder, comforting you.

"Life hasn't been easy on us since the start. But maybe we can make it worthwhile, starting now, together."

"Yeah, we should."

The two of you stared off into the distance, awaiting the events which would take place in the future. Somehow, the both of you felt a connection, as long as you were together, you both would be able to pull through.

(a/n): perhaps this was filler hmm
i'm sorry if it was too short or not up to standard but anyway, the next chapter will officially take place in the events of RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2. without further ado, i'd like to thank you all for the support you've given this story and for all the encouraging messages!! i still can't believe that we hit 3K reads here, it's unbelievable heh. once more, thank you so much for the support and i'll see you all in the next chapter!! arenT yOu gLaD i'M bAck SKSKSK-