Chapter 17

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"So Lieutenant," Jake started. "Got any ideas?"

"I do," Joseph answered.

Joseph reached in a hole that was dug underneath the house he and Jake hid behind. He then pulled out two Spartan uniforms, as well as riot shields, ballistic vests, helmets, and weapons.

"Put this on, sir," Joseph requested as he handed Jake an outfit.

As the two of them slipped on the bulky Spartan suits, Jake overheard commotion coming from the jailhouse. He peeked around the corner of the house and saw Tyrese, Boris, who was now the acting advisor, Alan, who was not the acting presiding officer, and ten other Z-Corps soldiers in the courtyard of the jailhouse, observing the surrounding area.

"He's escaped!" Alan shouted. "We need to let the rest of the Z-Corps know about this!"

"It's already been done," Tyrese responded. "I've sent Spartans to patrol the border in its entirety and make sure he doesn't escape."

"Why didn't you shoot him when you had the chance?!"

"I would have, Presiding Officer. The only problem is that he took my weapon away from me."

"There aren't any cutters in the jailhouse," Boris informed as he examined the hole in the fence. "This was done on the outside. Jake may have an accomplice."

"Whoever it is," Alan continued. "Once they both get found, I'll have them shot on the spot by way of firing squad."

"No you won't, Alan," Tyrese ordered. "He is still going to stand trial, as per protocol."

"Screw protocol! He's guilty! He wouldn't have broke out if he wasn't!"

"Honestly, Presiding Officer, I don't think he's guilty at all."

Alan then stood stunned as he stared at Tyrese.

"What do you mean, Marshal?!" Alan asked.

"You say there was a witness that saw Bryan's assassination," Tyrese continued. "I have a witness that was with him the whole time. He's innocent."

"S-so you're saying that someone really did pin this on Jake?!"

"That's exactly what I'm saying. I don't know about you, but something tells me there's a mole trying to overthrow the settlement. We need to act now if we're going to find out who."

Alan sighed as he rubbed his eyes, trying to process everything.

"Okay, fine," Alan responded. "Who's the witness?"

"The witness is remaining anonymous until we find Jake and his accomplice, bring them back alive, and place them on trial. But I would keep on guard."

"Sure, I'll notify some guards that we can trust to act as security for the high ranking officials. Hopefully we can..."


Alan's head flew to the side, with his body trailing it. Blood splattered on Tyrese as well as nearby soldiers. Once Tyrese wiped the excess blood from his eyes, he saw Alan's body lying on the blood stained concrete, and Boris lowering a supressed sidearm.



Tyrese felt a forced blow to the back of his head, followed by concussed dizziness as he fell to his knees. Through the foggy haze he produced, and while trying to regain conciousness, he saw an array of guns pointed at him, while Boris rubbed one of his blood dripped boots on Alan's suit and tie.

"No one knows about this," Boris informed a soldier next to him. "Let's keep it that way."

"Yessir," the soldier replied.

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