A Date?

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School AU
School is hard for everyone. Trying to fit in, stay on top of studying, class, making friends and dealing with family life as well as yourself.

Now Blitzen was doing okay. He was a designer in the making and everyone flew to him to ask about new trends and help wih fashion. Like a little cult of fashion. Followed religiously and litteraly meetings. He was also very gay. So he kind of became the go-to for fashion tips and LGBT problems. (And he was the best for getting you binders and ideas for clothes to make you more comfortable and tips, aswell as ways to drop hints.) Plus he didn't get hit on. And when with a guy, it was either: a possible date, a LGBT help me, a lost boyfriend, or serecet fashion man.

There was a new kid, this cute, tall as hell blonde boy with the worse fashion sense ever.
Blitzen had his eye on him and was intent that he would at least befriend the guy (and fix that outfit- really, all black. Was he mad?)

When the dark haired boy entered his English class he spotted the blonde hair beauty being spoken to by the teacher. He then went and sat in the front of the class but at the edge so he was hidden. Blitzen instantly slid in beside him.
"Hey, I'm Blitzen."
No answer.
"You're new, aren't you?"
The blonde looked up at him, looking confused.
"I'm Blitzen, and you are?" The other glanced down at his notebook for a moment before writing Hearth on the corner of the page.

"Heya, Hearth. So, haven't seen you around yet, you new to town?" A nod.
"Alright everybody, settle down." Everyone sat and fell silent.
"We have a new studen today, this is Hearthstone." She gestured but didn't make him say something and get the others to all say hi and say a fact about themselves like usual. The class was like usual and Blitzen saw Hearth had a copy of the lesson's notes printed out already.

He was so quiet too- probably shy. As they were about to leave for the next class, Blitzen turned back to him.
"Want to eat lunch with me today? Bench aside from the shool enterance." The other nodded and they parted ways.

Later Hearth joined him at lunch but there was like five or six others and Blitzen saw the other slip away and he followed.
"Hey! What's wrong?" He stopped when they reached the bathroom and he realised the other was crying.

"Hey, it's okay. What's wrong?" It took a long time before he got a written answer.
I don't know what they are saying
"Why not?" He pointed to his ears and Blitz nodded.
It took some time to calm Hearth down and a few days later they were inseperatable.

He started to learn some sign so it was easier-plus they could talk in class even though Hearth was hardly there- with other teachers instead to do the work one-on-one. He learned about Hearth's family after some time.
And eventually he worked up the courage.

"A date?" Heart signed, pale face going a light pink.
"Yeah. Friday after school? We could go to this really cool pizza place then chill at mine for a bit or not?"
The other nodded quickly.
"Sounds prefect."
And it was.

Sorry it's rushed. Would have spilt it in two but didn't.

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