On The Last Day

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Everyone awoke at their own pace, looking around bearly and eventually eating breakfast. Presents were given soon and excitment filled the air.

Mallory gave TJ a handcrafted flask that he absolutely loved. He got Magnus a hand gun that was engraved with run if I have this. I can not shoot. Magnus got Amir a 'kiss the cook' apron and Amir gave Halfborn an intense amount of CDs. Halfborn made Sam a scrapbook of them all. Sam got her now brother some dyes and some amazing boots. Alex brought Mallory handcrafted knives and a bottle of Gunniess in a shamrock bottle to be a little bit cheeky. Then they rigged it so Hearth and Blitzen had each other. Blitzen gave Hearthstone loads of myth and legends books in a lovely shirt. Hearth felt kind of bad for knitting Blitz a scarf (which he had started ages away anyway for Blitzen) but the dwarf loved it to bits.

Although that was not all. Amir gave Sam a sliverly necklace with a small design on it. She gave him a watch. Alex loved the hoodie and Magnus was never taking the tiara off. And no one is sure what Mallory and Halfborn gave each other but they were giggling away. And everyone banded together to get TJ a record player for his room.

As everyone began to calm down, Blitzen snuck off into the bedroom and slowly re-entered with the present for Hearthstone. He gently sat down behind him and slowly put it in the elf's arms.
A small and floppy golden retriever with a bow on his collar rested in Hearth's arms. It was safe to say that he loved it- crying as he cupped it's little face and afterward flung his arms around Blitzen and thanking him a million times over.

"What should we call him?" He asked as Hearth looked up at him.
"A-n-d-i-r-o-n" was the instant answer. He smiled and nodded.
"Great choice." He took a while for Hearth to regain himself to go get Blitzen's present.

He may have gotten distraced by the dog, to stall time as a hand went to his pocket. He turned to Blitzen and gently took his hand, getting down on one knee.

"B, we have been together for long enough that M should have realised. But we have been lovers for so long and friends for longer. You took care of me, and always know how to cheer me up. I try to do the same for you but you are much better than me at it. And I would love to take care of you for a long long time."
"Would you marry me, B?"

So many more tears were shed as Blitzen nodded and cried out yes, arms around Hearth before he could put the ring on his finger. The ring was sliver with curling little bits along it. It was perfect and Blitzen loved. His mother had too-like mother, like son.

Everyone freaked out and there were more tears and excitment and playing with the dog as the day went on.

It was one of the best days. Not just because of the engagment or the dog that had curled up onto of Hearth who sat atop Blitzen but because they were all together and now had a new member to fuss about.

A perfect Christmas.

Merry Christmas. Hope you enjoyed!

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