... Space Dad? (Shiro x Female Reader)

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[Ava's note: The setting is that you and Shiro are not a couple but you have a big crush on him but have kept it professional. That's basically it. Enjoy!]

Time- 5:38 am 

{POV: Third Person}

Who in the world could be knocking right now? It is far too early for anyone to be up anyways. The young lady thought, grumbling and slowly exposing herself to the cold air. She climbed out of bed and managed to half walk half slide the the entrance of her room. The sleep deprived and apologetic caramel brown eyes looking back at her belonged to a friend. 

"Pidge?" (Y/N) questioned, still dazed and partially asleep. "What's up?"

"Hey listen I'm sorry for waking you up but I really need your help with one of my programs. There's just one part that's not clicking, I can't stand it. It's important." She pleaded, "It'll only take a tick, I..." Pidge stopped to yawn and was ready to start talking again

"Pigeon you are beyond tired right now," You chuckled, "How about a deal, huh?"

"No, no c'mon please," She slowly inched her way closer to you, "It's for my family. (Y/N) you know how much this means to me!" 

"You haven't even heard the deal," The taller girl pulled her into a hug, "And I promised you I'd help you find Matt and your dad. Does it look like I'm ready to break that promise?" This she said with a voice almost more quiet than a whisper.

"Fine," Pidge sighed, "What's your deal?" She released herself from the hug

"Go to sleep right now and I promise  to spend all of my time tomorrow to help with that part of your program." The girl stuck out her hand, ready to shake 

"Can I stay here please?" The green paladin asked, she looked more like a child than ever, "The work will distract me."

"Of course Pigeon," The girl smiled and took Pidge in, "Take whichever side you'd like." She suggested while getting extra pillows for her.

Once both girls were situated in bed, (Y/N) ruffled the smaller girl's hair before whispering a small "Goodnight" and falling asleep. 

Pidge smiled, "(Y/N) you really are like a mom or a big sister to me. Or both? Thank you anyways." she whispered before slamming her head on the pillow and drifting into dreams filled with algorithms and family.  

~Time Skip~ Time- 9:45 AM    

{Your POV}

You woke up with a wet feeling gliding down the side of your face, reluctantly you put your hand up to your cheek to investigate what could be on you. The slimy consistency made you cringe and open your eyes slightly. To your surprise, what seemed to be a toddler version of Pidge cuddling near your face. Shocked you sat up, causing the toddler to gurgle and open her eyes. She yawned and smiled up at you. Her short hair was a trait the toddler shared as well. 

"Hi!" She exclaimed, "I'm Katie!" she crawled next to you and into your lap

"Hey sweetie, do you want some breakfast?" You asked, picking her up into your arms and crawling out of the bed.

"Yes pwease!" She giggled and wrapped her tiny arms around your neck

You smiled and began walking to Shiro's room, hoping he would have some kind of plan as to how to fix this. You held your breath and closed your eyes tight as you approached his door, Pidge looked at you with confusion.

"You ok?" She pouted, obviously concerned. 

"Yep totally, 100%. Sorry" You knocked once, opening your eyes and giving Pidge a quick hug, reassuring her you were okay.

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