Who Asks Who Out And How pt 1

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You ask him on the date but he asks you to be his spouse.

It was easily the most anxious you had ever felt in your time in space, today was the day you would finally do it. You were going to ask out Takashi Shirogane out on a date. After talking with Hunk and Lance, who strongly encouraged you to do it, your confidence was slightly boosted. I mean, how hard could it be? All you had to was confess that you were crushin' and ask him if he'd like to goon a date sometime. Easy right? Well if only it was as simply as that. Gathering all the courage you could, you made your way to the training room, practicing what you were going to say along the way. As you walked in you saw Shiro at work. Grey tank top, charcoal sweatpants, and a glowing purple hand. You coughed lightly and folded your hands.

"Uh hey Shiro, can I talk to you real quick?" You spoke, leaning against the doorway.

"Oh, (Y/N), hey, sure" He breathed out, wiping a bead of sweat off his forehead, "What's up?" 

" Well this is going to be awkward," You inhaled slowly, preparing yourself to pop the question, "I just wanted to ask, it's cool if you say no, if you'd go on a date with me?" 

His eyes widened as he processed what you had said, "You like me?", he inquired, walking towards you

"Uh yeah, it's cool if you don't like ya know, feel the-" You paused, Shiro had grabbed your hand, both your faces cherry red, He spoke in a voice almost like a whisper.

"I'd love to (Y/N), I like you too."

~~~~~~ wow part 2 (The spouse asking) ~~~~~~~~~~~

You and Shiro had been dating and flirting for a few weeks now. Nothing was official, but everyone was aware of the thing  you two had. One day, however, Shiro had accidentally confirmed it.

"(Y/N)? (Y/NNNNNNN)?" Shiro called into the kitchen.

The two of you had been playing hide and seek, and he had the challenge of trying to find you. You had been successfully hiding for at least 45 minutes. Shiro was trying to hold back his frustration.

"Pleaseeeee come out (Y/N)" He begged, checking under the table, "Babe please"

"Babe?" You questioned popped out of the ceiling vent, "That's a new one."

"Well if you wanted to be, we could be official."

"Sure! So you're my boyfriend, doesn't feel like anything changed."


He asks you on a date but you ask him to be your boyfriend

Keith stood nervously outside your door, he paced a little, inhaled and exhaled, then placed a soft knock on the door. 

"Come in," You called from the inside, certainly not expecting the Red Paladin to be standing there.  "Oh, Keith, shocking to see you here." You laughed lightly

"Yeah, yeah, I actually had something important to ask." He rolled his eyes and leaned against the door, "Wanna hang out sometime, just me and you?" He mumbled

"Ooo so like a date?" You teased, noticing this mild blush spreading across his face.

"Yes (Y/N), like a date, you can say no if you don't want to, I'll just go." He mumbled again,clearly embarrassed and even a little disappointed

"Keithhh," You laughed out, "I want to go on the date with you. You just look adorable when you're nervous."

He blushed again before rolling his eyes and shaking his head at you, "Thanks (Y/N), See you at 7?"

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