When They're Sick

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"(Y/N) I'm totally fine, *cough cough cough* Actually changed my mind, I'm sick."

Takashi Shirogane was not one to easily admit that he wasn't feeling his best. Naturally, he had the mentality of a leader, he put everyone before himself. That's why you balanced him out. You assured him that the team would understand if he needed a little time to feel better. You stayed with him and got him what he needed, considering it was usually just a small cold. If it got any worse than that, knowing his earth history, it was off to the healing pods. He tended to make jokes though, calling you the real Space Mom but then thanking you sincerely when he got better.


"I don't have the time to be sick, I'll get through it."

One quality you could never forget that Keith Kogane possessed was stubbornness. That man's mind was almost always made up. But you were not going to have any of that. Over your dead body. It took a lot of convincing, tackling, and support for literally everyone else to finally get Keith to slump into his bed and take a rest. Of course, however, once you had gotten him into bed, you were just as tired as he was. He would warn you of catching whatever he had. You would mumble that you didn't care as you snuggled into his arms and the two of you fell asleep peacefully. 


"(Y/N) I really don't wanna bother you but I feel terrible right now, can you pleaseeee stay with me? Pretty Pretty please?"

Lance McClain was such a sweetheart, you couldn't say no. You especially hated seeing him sick because of how pale and drained of energy he was. He didn't want to sound too whiny or annoying during the whole time, no matter how many times you told him that you'd take care of everything for him. Most of the day he would nap, with you stroking his hair and making sure he didn't have a fever. Sometime he would want to cuddle but avoid getting you sick so he would lie his head in your lap and wrap his arms around your waist. He was constantly thanking you and you couldn't help but 'awww' a few times because he was just so cute. 


"Uhhhh (Y/N) I thinnk *achoo* I have a bit of *achoooo* a cold. Can you grab me some tissues please? Oooo and some tea? Thank you so much cuteness! You're the best!"

Hunk was just as he always was, just immobile and super tired. You had no issues getting him everything he needed except when it came to soup. You felt as if you were going to mess it all up. He of course was happy to help you. He insisted on staying in bed and just telling you what to do from there. You did as he said and the soup ended up pretty decent. He smiled through the whole thing. Usually that was how it went, unless he had a stomach bug. Then he would be throwing up, crying because he didn't want to and felt bad that you had to clean everything up. You still cleaned up, just focusing on calming him down and getting back to a healthy state.


"Oh my, I fear I have come down with the (some altean sickness similar to a human cold), (Y/N) would you please alert Coran? I fear that I may not be able to fulfill my duties for today."

Since you knew nothing of Altean sicknesses, you did as she said and called for Coran. He helped her through the beginning then told you exactly how to treat and help the princess. You did exactly what he said, taking all precautions but also spending time to do simple things like read to her, sing, kiss her forehead, and hold her hand through everything. She recovered very quickly and her and Coran agreed that you did a very good job. She thanked you with a bone-crushing hug and a sweet "Thank you princess". You were happy to see Allura healthy again.

Pidge (Katie):

"I'm not sick. Nope, nope, nope, nope. Nu-uh. Not me. Sick? I've never heard of her."

The word sick was not in Pidge's vocabulary, or at least that's how she made it seem. She was worse than Keith, at least he could accept the fact that he was. Pidge, however, could not. She would do everything to prove that she wasn't when it was quite obvious. From her runny nose, to her increase in body temperature, you knew she was indeed sick. It was a hassle to even attempt to get her to stop her activities and just rest up. Eventually, after many trials and errors, you enlisted the help of the rest of the team, finally succeeding. When she finally sat down she complained. Soothing her was a challenge, but you did it anyways. 1, because you cared about her and 2, because she would curl up next to you, giving into her sleepiness, whispering to you and just rest there. Lance and Hunk would tiptoe in and snap a few pics of you two being adorable.

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