Lazy Days

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Lazy days with Shiro are soft and sweet. The two of you will cuddle and occasionally read to each other. Shiro usually falls asleep while you're reading and you take that as your cue to cuddle him and fall asleep as well. On some occasions the team even finds you two cuddled up on the couch. Everyone finds it adorable.


Lazy days with Keith are rare. He does so much and tends to forget relaxation time. When he does relax, however, it's not what most would expect. Sometimes he'll lay on your lap and rest as you play with his hair. Other times he'll entertain you with stories about the Blade and his adventures with them. On rare occasions, he'll take you for a very fast ride in Red.


Lazy days with Lance are fun! The two of you sleep in, have a glamorous skin routine, and chill out for the rest of the day. After waking up, Lance usually puts on some music and you leave it on for the day. This prompts a lot of random dance breaks. You two are carefree and just in love with each other's company. Oh and lovely soft faces, the face masks really work.


Lazy days with Hunk involve a surprising amount of talking. You always love hearing about his family and all his stories about them. You two could literally spend the day talking for hours. Sharing stories about your families, what you want to do with life, where you want to go, things you want to learn. It only ends when you both fall asleep, wrapped up in each other's arms. You both love those days though.


Lazy days for Allura usually just include sleeping in. Sometimes you'll bring her breakfast in bed, enjoying the meal together, the crawl under the blankets and play with her hair as she falls right back to sleep. The mice will occasionally join the two of you and play around. Allura would translate what they say so you didn't feel left out.

Pidge (Katie):

Lazy days with Pidge include 1 of two things, gardening or gaming. On the rare occasion, both. You were compliant every time she woke you up early to play a game or water the plants simply because of how happy it made her. Every level you two completed together in a video game would make her grin from ear to ear. She loved spending time with you, especially whilst doing the things she loves.

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