~How You Two Cuddle~

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Not surprisingly, Shiro is big on cuddling, usually in private though. He's okay with PDA but prefers to keep most of it to a minimum. Your cuddles depend on what situation you two are in. If you're sitting, he'll pull you onto his lap, wrap his arms around your waist, tucks his head between your neck and shoulder (leaving little kisses) as you play with his white floof. If you're laying down, he wraps his arms around you and kisses your nose, leaving you to wrap your arms around his neck.


Keith is a bit shy and is not big on PDA at all, but don't be mistaken, if someone walks in on you guys being cutesy, he still acts the same. He's proud of dating you. So when you two cuddle one of his arms curls around your shoulders and he uses his free hand to hold your hand. Sometimes he kisses your face all over while you play with his hair. 


Lance is a very affectionate person, so, he has about a million different ways to cuddle you. However he does have a favorite way. He'll pull you close, wrap his arms around your neck and kiss your forehead. Then he'll intertwine his fingers with your locks of hair as you rest your head on his chest and drum your fingers on his back. It makes him feel confident that he's protecting you, plus he likes the rhythm of your fingers on his back, it makes him sleepy.


Hunk is a human teddy bear! He LOVES cuddling you, literally whenever he can. He'll bring you close to him, his arms crossing on your back, this creates the most warm environment EVER! You hook your arms under his to hug him back. Usually you guys will share a few sweet kisses and just chat. He'll tell you all his worries and you help him rationalize them. He feels safe and appreciated.


Allura prefers to show all of her affection when the two of you are alone, however she's not totally against PDA, from time to time she dabbles in it. When you two cuddle, it's very loving. You two will lay facing each other, foreheads touching, both hands intertwined with each other's, innocent giggles and soft quick kisses. These are the times when the vulnerable side of Allura shows itself.  

Pidge (Katie):

Pidge is completely against PDA. It is not on her agenda, ever. Which you respect, after all she's a very busy gal. Speaking of which, that's usually when you get your cuddle time in. She'll be working on some sort of advancement for the lions, or something of the sorts, you'll watch and help her, observing that she's becoming tired. You wrap your arms around her from behind and rest your head on her shoulder. She'll usually tap your cheek then move over so she can cuddle into your side. As she's falling asleep, you play with her hair.

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