vii - gianna

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the night that i got home from the hospital, i suddenly understood why so many people fear silence.

   on a normal night, brendon and i would facetime, call, or text until we were ready to go to sleep. sometimes that wasn't until two in the morning. now, i'm sitting in my bed with my knees pulled up to my chest, and my face buried in them. i'm waiting for his name to light up my phone, but it hasn't.

   "g, dinner's ready." my little brother, simon, stands at my door, not bothering to knock before stepping into my room. i look at him, and give my phone one last glance. sighing, i get out of bed.

   "coming." i say, following him down the stairs. our parents are sitting at the dinner table, waiting for us. i clutch my phone in my hand as i sit down. while my dad says a prayer, everyone's eyes closed and their heads bowed, i keep my eyes open and my gaze straight forward. all i can think about is brendon and what he looked like today. i've never seen anyone that's been beat up or in an accident before, and it isn't something i'd like to see again.

   the prayer ends and the three of them open their eyes, their heads rising. mom looks at me.

   "gianna. didn't you pray?" i don't respond. i can feel everyone's eyes on my expectantly, but i don't care.

   "gianna, answer your mother." dad demands. tears start to well in my eyes, making them burn slightly. i feel two slip down my cheeks, and i look down at my empty dinner plate. i hardly ever cry around anyone, let alone my family.

   "for all we know, brendon deserved it." dad breaks the silence. i start to turn my head slowly to look at him with a dead, blank expression. he's cutting steak on his plate, and when he looks up at me, i feel my cheeks getting hot. mom and simon are silent.

   "how could you say that?" my voice cracks and more salty tears flood down my face. he looks at me as if he's done nothing wrong. i look over at mom so she can help me. she's already holding a stern gaze on her husband.

   "wyatt, you apologize to our daughter right now." dad continues to eat and i finally slam my hand on the table, making my brother jump. i stand from the table, too angry to speak. i run to my bedroom, slamming the door once i get inside. i slide down it, and decide to call my boyfriend. i get his voicemail, and it feels good to hear his voice.

   "hey, baby, it's me. i just...god, it hasn't even been twelve hours and i'm already freaking out without you. my dad just said the most messed up thing to me, but i won't bore you with that. i'm actually considering going to spend the night with cece just so she isn't alone. she's a wreck, too. we care about you so much that i don't think we know what to do with it half the time. i hope you listen to this and maybe call me back if you can. i'm going to come see you tomorrow and-" my thought is interrupted by a knock on my door. it startles me.

   "i gotta go. i love you, and i'll update you in the morning." i stand, hanging up the phone, and open the door. it's my dad.

   "look...i'm sorry i said that, sweetheart. i should've never even opened my mouth. i think you and brendon are great together, and i have no business putting my nose in it as long as you aren't in any danger." without saying anything, i hug him, sobbing. he holds me as i cry. thanks, dad.

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