1. Shelter

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It had been a few months since the nuclear bomb had dropped, a girl walks aimlessly a bat filled with nails in her hand. She wore nothing but a (F/C) shirt and some (F/P), walking with in the streets of the now distroyed  city where ever she looked there was rubble from the destroyed House's  and buildings.

The sun had slowly began to fall, as the girl walked, unaware of the danger that stalked her. The sky began to turn into a dark hue of Blue and violete. The girl looks up as she walked through the Deserted streets. Soon the star's took over the sky as the moon shines  behind dark clouds.

The girl stops in her tracks, Taking off the backpack she carried, unzipping and rummaging  through   the contents inside it, she pulled out a small flashlight and Shook it, as the flashlight turns on and began to guide the girl towards the right paths to take to avoid hazardous obstacles

The sound of groaning could be heard. "Shit.." the girl muttered, from a far a silhouette of a hoard could be seen, and the stench of decaying flesh filled her nostrals.

She turns around and began running the opposite  direction from the hoard to avoid the dangerous  encounter.





The sound of thunder clashing filled her ears as small droplets of rain fell from The dark sky, the girl looks around only to see a small shop, thinking it'd be a good place to take shelter. The girl walks towards the rundown shop shaking her flashlight and Shined it inside.

Inside the shop there were small isles of untouched food, water and medical supplies. It seemed there were no signs of danger
The girl steps in and began to look for something to baracade herself in with, as she ventured  inside the room she found nothing but shotgun shells, a flare gun.





After boarding up all the possible entrances,  the girl had Laid down in a sleeping bag. Looking up at the ceiling as the calm sound of raindrops  filled her ears slowly putting  her to sleep





Another day has passed as the girl had made her travels now reaching the end of tuefort, she looks out the wastelands, seeing nothing but destruction. She sat down for a second putting her backpack on her lap, rumageing through the contents inside it.

She pulls out a gasmask and began to put it on, now taking two pairs of leather gloves and putting it on her bare hands. Zipping it back she slings it behind her and got up grabbing her bat and proceded to walk towards the unknown....

Wastelands (Scout/Jeremy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now