Chapter 9- The Shirtless Cutie

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I decide to sleep in on Sunday because I planned on calling Percy, and knowing him he would for sure be up around 1pm. I search my pockets for a drachma, the golden coin of the gods. Luckily, I find one and go outside to the water hose. I turn it on, a little more than I meant to, and sprayed my face.

"Great." I mumble.

I make a mist rainbow, and say

"O Iris, goddess of the rainbow please accept my offering, show me Percy Jackson in New York!"

The image instantly shimmers and an image of Percy comes up and I can see he's still in bed, so I decide to have some fun.


A look of shock comes over his face and He says

"What! where?" and in his panic he falls out of his bed with a thump.

I bust out laughing not being able to control myself.

"It's just me, Seaweed Brain." I manage to get out.

He comes into view of the picture, his hair all swept to one side of his head and without a shirt.

"You scared me half to the Hades!" he says, not bothering to open his eyes.

"I might have attacked you through the image or something." he said, managing a smile. Then he noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt and hurried off out of the picture.

"Whoops heh heh...." he explained, now with a super hot green v-neck on.

"Aww why'd you do that? I was enjoying the view." I finish with a smirk.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny wise girl. So, how are you surviving?" He asks.

"Well, I was attacked by a skeleton, and almost broke my ankle. Then my friend Daniel killed the Skelton and his mom fixed me up."

I conclude. I see a wave of anger and jealousy cross his perfect face.

"What? he SAVED you? Who even is this Daniel guy?! Well he won't do again because he'll be too busy at his funeral!!" He says angrily.

"What are you talking about Percy? YOUR the only one I love, calm down Seaweed Brain! He just saved my life, no big deal!" I counter.

"Ok, I'm sorry. I just get jealous because I like you so much... and you're beautiful." He says sweetly.

I feel the heat rise to my cheeks and I send him a virtual kiss.

"Sorry if I made you jealous, but he is my only friend here, and I don't need a murderous boyfriend killing him." I smirk.

"Just don't fall in love with any other hot guys with sea green eyes in the next 3 weeks, okay? Bye I gotta go. My mom needs me." He finishes and waves a hand through the Iris message to make it dissolve.


I take out my backpack and start to work on my homework. No problem. Being a daughter of Athena means I'm smart. I finish in about ten minutes. After I'm done, I stretch and take a look out my window. Big mistake. It looked like the dracnaenae I killed a few days ago had already re-formed, and brought backup. I saw about 15 dracnaenae on my front lawn. I immediately run to my brothers room, I try to stay calm but it's hard when you have a small army on your lawn wanting to rip you to pieces.

"Hey, boys. Wake up. Why don't y'all go play in the basement? Mommy and Daddy will be down there in a second." I say sweetly, trying not to let the terror  of the situation take over.

"But I want Mommy now." The littlest one says.

"I know. She will be down there too. Just, please go now I have to take care of something." I can hear my voice cracking on the last part, partly out of concern for my brothers, and partly the scaled uglies closing in.

"Let's go." The other one says with authority.

They both listen and head for the basement. Phew. They know the drill. Next, I rush to my parents room and alert them. My stepmother starts to glare at me, then she remembers she was trying to be nice. They also head to the basement. I start to think, how am I going to defeat them all? I put on some bronze armor, and some goggles so they can't spit poison in my eyes. I probably look like captain dork. I grab a shield and start for the door. The one I fought the other day spoke first:

"Hello dearie! Yes, I already re-formed and brought some backup! Time to die dearie!" She hisses.

I think to myself, but how? That's impossible. Unless they were let out of the underworld.... The dracnaenae interrupt my thoughts. Soon, my battle skills kick in. I charge the mob of dracnaenae, slicing like crazy with my dagger. When I look back, I only see about four piles of yellow dust. Great.

"Hey uglies! Come at me when you're ready!" I yell.

I throw my shield, knocking a few out. I stab the ones who fell, but there are still eight left.

"Dearie! This is the part where you give up. I don't have all night you know." She says, the annoyance of my living starting to get to her.

Suddenly, I hear a roar. Great again. I think, but then realize it sounded familiar.

"NO HURTING THE PRETTY BLONDE LADY!" The familiar voice said, and I realized it was Tyson, Percy's half brother.

Yeah, it's better not to ask.

"Tyson!" I scream.

"You take that side, I'll take this side!" in that moment, his four dracnaenae dissolve to yellow dust, and I know it's my turn.

I slide through my four, and stab two of them right in the chest. Next, I kill the last one. But wait, wasn't there four? In that moment, the last one picks me up by my neck, her claws digging into my skin, she lifts me off the ground.

"I see you have killed all my sisters, dearie." She sneers.

I'm gasping for air, and I hear my knife fall, and clattering against the driveway. The last thing I saw was Tyson coming at us.... And the blackness starting to take over.

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