Knight in Shining Armor

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I don't know how long it's been since i'm here. but maybe two days or something? and let me tell you, this sucks. 

they give me meal which is cold and ew, that shit tastes bad. so in other words maybe it's been two days since i last ate. 

"i'm warning you, you'll be here for long. eat that food or you're never getting it again" the guy said. from the window. 

"no thank you" i said as i rolled my eyes. 

i'm tied on this chair in this room, which is dark. it's scary and i don't know why i'm here till now. i sighed. 

"excuse me!" i yelled. 

"what?" i heard from the other side. 

"i want answers! call your head or something! now!" i yelled. 

"don't you dare to shout! shut up" i heard. 

huh, i sighed. 

Caroline must be so scared for me. and oh my god, Aaron and Jake, Em and Blake. damn, there's no way i can tell them that i'm fine. 

"so here she is" i heard. i looked towards the door and saw a figure. 

and he came closer, i can't see his face because of the dark, when suddenly the lights turned on, and my eyes closed. i blinked a couple of times to adjust to the brightness which i didn't experience in the past two days. 

a man around his 40's was standing right in front of me, with a smirk. 

"hello dear" he said. 

i rolled my eyes "who are you and why am i here?" i asked. 

"well. way to curious, aren't we?" he said as he turned around. "i don't think your dear boyfriend will want you to know all of this so soon" he said. 

"what? i don't have any boyfriend" i said "maybe i'm the wrong person and-" he shouted suddenly "shut the f^ck up!". 

i flinched and then looked down. 

"you're here because of your brothers and Aaron" he said. 

"are you talking about Jack and-" he cut me off again and said "Jackson, Emmett and Aaron Hunters. yes" he said. 

"what they even did so bad that you kidnapped me" i yelled. 

"they killed my brother.." he said as he became emotional. 

"listen, i'm sorry for you. but my brothers and Aaron, aren't those kind of people, they don't-" 

"shut the fuck up! they killed him, and now i'll kill you in front of them! i want them to know what it's like to loose someone who's precious to you" he said as he smirked. 

and i don't know what to say. 

right then, the door slammed open, and as if this man knew who just came, he ran towards me and stood right next to me with a knife in his hand which is close to my neck. or i'd say touching my neck. 

tears started running down my face. 

i looked in the front and saw them.  

as much as i wanted to be happy, i didn't. i saw them with hate. they killed someone's brother. he was someone's son, maybe someone's dad and husband. how can they even do that. 

"let her go!" Aaron said, with a gun in his hand, like everybody else behind him. 

"no, she'll die right in front of you. the way you killed him in front of me" the man said. 

"i said, let her fucking go!" Aaron yelled. his voice is deep, there's an unknown expression on his face. i never knew this side of him even existed.. 

"why do you-" the man started to speak when the shooting started and i closed my eyes. the man's hand went off and he fell down on the floor, in a pool of his own blood. 

Blake rushed towards me along with Em. 

"you alright?" Em asked. which Blake was busy untying me. i simply nodded. 

"god, she got bruises because of these ropes" Blake said, as i was free now. 

Aaron walked towards me and gave his gun to Em and said "hold it, while i'll hold her" as he kissed my forehead and picked me up in his arms.

and he started to walk towards the exit.

"are you okay?" he asked. 

i nodded. and he sighed in relief. 

soon we reached where the cars were parked and i saw Jack there. 

"god" he said as he walked towards us "i'm glad you're fine" he said as he smiled. i smiled back.

"say something" Aaron said with worry clear in his eyes. 

"why did you kill his brother and now him?" i asked. 

"Marla, we'll talk about this later" Aaron said as he made me sit in the passenger seat and he drove the car. 

Blake and Jack are in the car in front of us and Em and a few men in the car behind ours. 

"Marla, i'm sorry but that's what i do" Aaron said. 

"you kill people for a living?" i asked. 

"hey no! it's uh, a little.. you know.. gan-" he said. 

"you're in a gang?!" i asked. he nodded weakly. 

"it's a family business thing. my grandfather started it, then my dad and now me.. i run this gang now" he said. 

"weren't you the richest in the world..? this is how you-?" i asked. 

"yes, and same as Blake, his dad works in our gang and he does as well" he said. 

"and so do my brothers" i finished for him. and he nodded. 

"Marla, see. we killed his brother because he was about to make the worst and most life taking drug in the country.. so we had too. every gang from our country was involved in getting him killed, but i was the one who shot him.. that's why." he said. 

"but even after that he was alive, and then he decided to take a revenge on me and killed my sister, so i killed him" he said, as tears ran down his face. 

"i didn't want to loose you after everything.. " he said. 

"Aaron" i said as i placed my hand on his cheek and rubbed off his tears. 

"you won't loose me.." i said as i leaned in and kissed his cheek. 

"after all, you're my knight in shining armour" i said.

and he smiled and kissed me and then focused on the road. 

i am not angry on Aaron, it's not his fault. now i know the reason and he shouldn't be blamed for what he did, because if i were him, i would have done the same. 

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