Chapter One

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"Guys, get together," Shiro shouted through the coms.

"I would love to get together with you guys, however, I am currently surrounded," Lance called back. "They won't leave me alo- Woah!" The battleship came a little too close to the Blue Lion and Lance.

"Lance! Get out of there! Now," Keith screamed at him.

"I'm trying, Mullet-head! A little help would be nice, though."

The Red Lion flung the rest of the fighter ships off of itself then flew towards Blue. Lance felt the Galra were trying to separate him from the other paladins, which was exactly what they were doing. Before Keith could get to Lance, a beam from the battleship's canon started glowing and was pointed to the Blue Lion.

Hunk noticed and started freaking out. "Lance, move out of the way!"

"I'm trying! I'm trying!" At this point even Lance was freaking out. "The stupid Galra keep blocking my way!" Lance froze many of the tiny ships but more took their place. He let out a frustrated grunt and tried pushing through to no avail. "Guys!"

The Black Lion raced to Keith's side to aid him in the rescue of the blue paladin. All of a sudden the Galra's small fighter ships left from surrounding Lance and the canon shot at him.

"Lance," Pidge and Hunk shouted in unison.

Lance screamed as the beam hit his Lion. Shiro took his lion and started attacking the canon with the help of Hunk breaking it, ending the beam and screams erupting from Lance. The battle ship and the rest of the Galra worm holed out leaving the paladins confused.

Pidge knocked them back to their senses when she started calling for Lance. "Lance? Lance? Please answer! Are you okay?"

They got back a weak and strained "yeah" and Shiro ordered everyone back to the castle. When they landed everyone ran to Blue's hangar. Shiro was the first to get there, followed by Hunk, Keith, then Pidge.

When they arrived Lance had just stepped out of the lion and Hunk rushed past Shiro to inspect Lance.

"Are you hurt? Where does it hurt? I don't see any injuries. Are your insides hurting? Lance, why aren't you answering me?"

"Hunk, buddy, I'm okay. I don't know what they shot me with but it only gave me temporary pain. I'm not hurt anywhere. I'm fine," Lance responded with a smile.

Shiro walked up next to Hunk. "Are you sure? Your... screams said otherwise."

Lance just chuckled. "Yes. Like I said it was temporary pain. I don't feel any different than my usually handsome self."

"Maybe we should have Coran check you just in case," Pidge piped up.

"Okay, sounds good to me."

Coran looked at Lance noting nothing physical happened then asked questions and found nothing wrong with his brain.

"I don't know. Maybe they were aiming to do more damage but their canon malfunctioned," Coran said.

"Well, that's really lucky then. I could have died or something but their dumb machine broke."

"Lance, that's concerning. You really could have died." Keith spoke with a hint of worry.

"Awe! Does Keef care about wittle ol' me," Lance said, fluttering his eye lashes.

"Ha. You wish." He looked to the side.

I do wish, Lance thought but he just responded with a small laugh.

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