Chapter 10

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Lance had noticed a cup on the counter in front of him. He had been staring at it for about a minute and he didn't really want it there. He reached for it before pulling his hand back, looking at said hand in confusion.

"You good, Lance," Pidge asked behind him.

Pidge and Lance were in the kitchen watching Hunk make something for lunch. He wouldn't tell them what he was making so they made it into a game to see who could guess it first.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah, I just... I had this really strong urge to knock that cup off the counter." Lance heard Pidge snort and looked up at her in confusion. "What? Why's that so funny?"

"Buddy, it's just," Hunk cut himself off with a giggle of his own. "It's kind of like a cat! How they just knock things off tables and stuff."

Lance frowned. "Oh."

"W-we're not saying it's a bad thing," Hunk responded quickly, noticing the sad tone in his friend's voice.

"Yeah, man,it's fine."

Lance looks between the two of them with a frown still present. It didn't matter to him if they thought it was a good or bad thing at that moment. In his mind, he only thought that maybe he was changing more, just extremely slow. If he even began to have instincts of a cat, that meant his mind was warping around the ideals of the creature. Maybe he was just overthinking things.

Without a word, he stood up and left the room. He needed some alone time to maybe clear his head. He wasn't a person that particularly liked being alone. He was more comfortable and happy being around another being but he felt he couldn't be near his friends then. He hated the situation he was in and he wanted to talk about it to someone but he didn't want it to be with anyone on the ship. He felt like he had already worried them enough by just looking like something out of a sci-fi film and he didn't want to add on to the worry by telling them how he felt.

He was scared and tired and oddly guilty. If something worse were to happen to him, he knew his friends would be devastated and the universe could be entirely taken over. He didn't want any of those changed on his body; he wanted to stay one hundred percent human. He was terrified he could end up a full blown animal or worse.

He could end up like the experiments.

Lance walked into his room and flopped onto his bed. He just needed a quick nap while Hunk finished up lunch.


It was dark, was Lance's first thought as he glanced around. He didn't know where he was but it was dark and the room smelled horrid. He took a step forward and that was when he noticed he was standing in a puddle of an unknown liquid. His eyes began to adjust to the darkness and what he saw had him stumbling back.

In front of him were dozens of bodies tossed about in a rather small room and he realized the liquid was blood. He turned to run out of the room but there were no exits and it felt like that had happened to him before. From somewhere above, another body fell, all mangled and looked so wrong, like it shouldn't look like that.

Lance tried to call for help but when he opened his mouth not a sound came out. He began panicking, brushing his hands along the walls for any indication of a door or hole or anything but there was nothing. He didn't know what to do. What was he supposed to do?

Hands shot up out of the blood and grabbed onto his lower legs, pulling him into the liquid abyss. The hands were elongated and clawed and parts of the skin were ripped away from their muscles. No matter how hard he struggled, the hands wouldn't let go and continued to drag him down.

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