Chapter 4

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"Who should we prank first," Lance questioned as Pidge helped him off the ground. He brushed off him clothes and tail from any dirt or dust from the floor. Pidge scrunched her nose up and scratched her chin before shrugging.

"Hunk?" They looked at each other as Lance grinned.

"Yeah! We could switch some of his ingredients," Lance schemed. "Ya know how some of the spices look similar?"

Pidge chuckled and adjusted her glasses. "Lance, Lance, Lance, you evil man." They both made their way to the kitchen with silent giggles. As soon as they got there, they began their work. They switched the labels Hunk placed on the containers and mixed in some of the same colors in one jar. It only took ten minutes and when they were done, they both stepped back with matching grins.

"Well, we did a great job, if I do say so myself," Lance said as he flicked an ear, a powder of some kind of ingredient flung off the tip. "Ok, now I say Allura."

Pidge glanced up at him. "Yeah... You know how Allura loves her shampoo?" Lance nods. "We should mess with it."

Lance looks forward thoughtfully. "Yeah... You know how we hate food goo?" Pidge nods. "We should put that in it."

Pidge copies Lance by looking forward. "I'll get her shampoo."

"I'll get the food goo."

The separated and got the two things. Pidge unscrewed the cap and placed it on the table then Lance began to poor the green crap into the container. The two of them went to the Princess' room and replaced her bottle.

Pidge and Lance left with an evil glint in their eyes.


This going to be in two parts and I'm sorry I'm a wee bit behind schedule. I'm also sorry this is super short. 'Til next time! <3

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