Fallen Anthem Chapter Six

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(Revan's AN): I hope you all enjoy, and if you don't then I apologize, but there's nothing I can do about it. With that being said, let's get into it.

Summary: Issei Hyoudou was like everyone else, he woke up in the morning, brushed his teeth, had a healthy breakfast, and went to school like everyone else. However, all of that changed when he came into contact with a purple flame.

Pairing: None so far.

Alternate Universe, OOC Moments, and Noncanon.

"Flashbacks" - Thinking

[Flashbacks] - Texting

"Flashbacks" - Phone call

Theme Song: Nuclear, by Nik Ammar.

Head Writer: Revan's Stories

Beta'd by No one.

"Never gonna quit, never gonna stop." Came the next set of lyrics as Issei did two fast jabs followed by a right cross and left uppercut.

"Fire, fire." The song continued as Issei danced around the heavy bag, and did two more jabs followed by a left uppercut and then right uppercut.

"Tonight I'm lighting up the black sky." Came the final words of the song as Issei punched the bag a couple more times before stopping and backing up a few feet. As Issei did this, he exhaled loudly and placed his hands on top of his head.

"Better than before, but you still need to work on your footwork some more, and there were a few times where you pulled your arm back before throwing a punch, you need to work on that." Spoke Issei's superior and mentor as he paused the music and approached Issei from behind.

"Sorry, Mr. Samejima..." He said with a huff as he turned and looked at the man. "I'll do better next time."

"I see you're still calling me 'Mr. Saemjima' even though I told you to stop." The brown-haired man muttered in annoyance. "Seriously, you need to loosen up kid. I understand this is important to you, but you don't gotta call me 'Mr. Samejima' every single time. Just call me Kouki when we're alone."

"Sorry Mr. Same-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence kid." He declared, traces of irritation in his voice and a look that made Issei stop dead in his tracks.

"Sorry, it just came out." Issei stated in an apologetic manner.

"Anyways, we're going to call it a day here." Mr. Samejima stated after a few seconds of staring at his trainee. "Practice on your footwork in your free time, and remember not to pull back before throwing a punch, okay?" He added as he scratched his chin.

"I'll try my best, but I can't make any promises. I'm going to be starting school again this Monday; so my time to train is going to be reduced a lot." Issei confessed before walking away and grabbing a towel that was on one of the workout machines.

"I know, I heard on the news that most of the students will be going to other schools for the time being," Mr. Samejima stated as Issei wiped the sweat off of him.

"Yeah, it kind of sucks, but it's whatever really." Issei replied, his voice a little muffled due to the towel being pressed against his face.

"Yeah, it can't be helped. On a side note did you hear what happened in Kuoh?" Mr. Samejima said before suddenly asking him a question.

"No, what happened in Kuoh?" Issei answered as he finished wiping the sweat off of him.

"Well, apparently last night a stray devil decided to reveal itself by attacking a supermarket. It killed several people, and crippled about a dozen people for life, but besides that nothing too major happened." He explained.

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