Fallen Anthem Chapter Twelve

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(Revan's AN): Hello friends, let us begin this chapter. I do wanna say sorry, one of these scenes were hard to write, and the reason why was because I had never gone through this, I apologize if it wasn't golden, but I did try my best.

Summary: Issei Hyoudou was like everyone else, he woke up in the morning, brushed his teeth, had a healthy breakfast, and went to school like everyone else. However, all of that changed when he came into contact with a purple flame.

Pairing: None so far.

Alternate Universe, OOC Moments, and Noncanon.

"Flashbacks" - Thinking

[Flashbacks] - Texting

"Flashbacks" - Phone call

Theme Song: Nuclear, by Nik Ammar.

Head Writer: Revan the Edgelord

Beta'd by No one.

Upon arriving at the Youkai's Palace, Issei along with Vali, were greeted by a dozen Kitsunes who were wearing outfits that were close to what ninjas would wear, but different in color. The color of their garbs was white, and they wore a piece of fabric that covered only their mouth and jaws. Attached to their waists were one-handed swords that looked like a katana but were slightly shorter than them.

Issei couldn't remember the name of them, but he knew they were the one hand version of them.

The Kitsune who was at the head of the group had snow white hair, fiery orange eyes, two fox-like ears that matched the color of his hair, and eight fluffy tails sticking out from his backside that were also white. He was slightly shorter than Issei, but just from glancing at him, Issei was able to tell that the man was someone he didn't want to cross.

As the group of Kitsune finished closing the distance between them and the two Sacred Gear users, the leading Kitsune said to them as he bowed. "Greetings members of the Grigori, I am Hitoshi Watanabe, the Guard Captain of this sacred place and the one who'll be escorting you to Lady Yasaka."

Issei in response looked at Vali. He wasn't sure if he was supposed to bow as well, and introduce himself, or what so he looked to Vali for answers.

Vali noticed Issei's glance at him and rolled his eyes slightly before saying to the group of Kitsune. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, my name is Vali, and I'm here to protect Issei Hyoudou, the one who was told to come here."

Issei didn't say anything, but he did frown slightly at Vali's introduction. He had no enthusiasm in his voice at all, and if he was being honest with himself, it sounded like he was bored out of mind and wanted to be somewhere else, instead of being here.

"Issei Hyoudou," Came Hitoshi's voice causing Issei to shift his attention from Vali to the Guard Captain. "what you are going to go through today is a rare honor, there have only been a few humans to bask in the spirit pools."

"Thanks?" Issei said in a questioning manner, not sure how he was supposed to respond to that statement.

"Now that we've introduced one another, shall we go meet Lady Yasaka?" Hitoshi questioned with a tinge of amusement in his voice. "You probably want to get this done and over with, yes?"

"I mean, I'm fine with you know looking around if that's alright with you, I've never been here before and knew such a place existed in Kyoto." Issei stated with a bit of embarrassment. He had heard of Yasaka's palace and had been there before, but the place they were at wasn't that in fact, it was basically a whole another world that was hidden in Japan.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2019 ⏰

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