Fallen Anthem Chapter Ten

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(Revan's AN): Hello friends, let us begin this chapter.

Summary: Issei Hyoudou was like everyone else, he woke up in the morning, brushed his teeth, had a healthy breakfast, and went to school like everyone else. However, all of that changed when he came into contact with a purple flame.

Pairing: None so far.

Alternate Universe, OOC Moments, and Noncanon.

"Flashbacks" - Thinking

[Flashbacks] - Texting

"Flashbacks" - Phone call

Theme Song: Nuclear, by Nik Ammar.

Head Writer: Revan the Edgelord

Beta'd by No one.

"Issei, I'm bored." Spoke the silver-haired teen as he cast the brown-haired youth who was sitting next to him a glance.

"Okay." Was Issei's response as he flipped through the channels at a fast pace.

"I said, I'm bored." Vali repeated, this time emphasizing on his boredom.

"And I said, okay in response to your statement." Issei stated as he continued to flip through the programs.

Vali scowled slightly upon hearing this, and said to the wielder of Incinerate Anthem. "Aren't you going to do something to sate my boredom? I am your guest."

"What am I your butler?" Issei asked as he sent him a look with an eyebrow raised.

"No, but hosts usually tend to their guests' needs." Vali pointed out.

"Well, I'm not like most hosts, and your boredom isn't my concern." Issei replied before reverting his attention back to the TV.

"... You suck." Vali stated after a few seconds of silence.

Hearing this made a tic mark appeared on the side of Issei's forehead. It had been a few days since the silver-haired youth had asked him for a place to stay, and since then Issei's come to somewhat dislike him. He wouldn't say he hated Vali, but there were times, like right now, where Vali just managed to get under his skin.

After a couple of seconds of thinking of a witty response, Issei opened his mouth to respond, but before any words could leave his mouth the doorbell rang.

"Hey, the doorbell rang." Vali pointed out in a bored tone as he sent Issei a look.

"No shit," Issei replied sarcastically as he looked at the other teen as if he was a retard. "I'm so glad I have someone with great hearing like you around."

Deciding not to take the bait, Vali simply said, "Aren't you going to answer it."

As he said this, the doorbell rang again.

"No." Was the brown-haired youth's curt response as he diverted his attention back to the TV, signifying that nothing Vali said was going to change his mind.

Seeing that Issei wasn't going to answer the door, Vali decided to get up and answer the door himself.

As he walked to the front door, the doorbell was rung again which caused the silver-haired teen to say in a loud voice. "I'm coming, hold up."

upon opening the door, Vali was welcomed to the sight of a young woman who wore a black kimono that had a red interior, a yellow obi, golden beads, and an ornately detailed headband. Sprouting from the top of her head was two black cat-like ears, and wagging right behind her were two black tails.

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