Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

After the nurses did a bunch of tests on me, one of the nurses walk into the room I'm in and she looks at me with a smile on her face. Is that a good smile or a bad smile? Butterflies fill my stomach.

"So Ms. Beatrice Prior, it looks like you um..." You um what? "You're going to be a mother."

I swear I must of passed out at those words because now I feel my palms getting sweaty. There's no way. There's no way. The nurse comes over to calm me down, probably because I look like I'm going to explode. The room I'm stitting in is starting to spin so I lay down on the hospital bed. I don't know if I should be mad or happy. I carry life inside me now. What am I going to say to Tobias, Christina? How will they interpret this?

It takes me ten minutes to at least piece myself back togather. I check out of the hospital and quickly walk back to Tobias's house. I see the house in sight as I turn the corner and don't see the truck there yet. Good.

Once I'm inside, I grab myself a glass of water and sit down on the couch. I twist the ring on my finger nervously. You know what Tris, it's okay. There's nothing to worry about. I'm sure it's no big deal. None at all.

The door to the house clicks and in walks Tobias. My heart sinks down into my chest. What will I say? He looks mad so I'm assuming that now wouldn't be the best time to tell him the news.

"I dropped Christina off at her place on the way home." He says. "We discovered that my mother is the traitor. She paired up with some friends of hers and turned against me... everyone." Furry and rage settle in his voice. I'm not going to comment because I'm sure he would get mad at anything anyone says at this moment. "I found out that she wasn't going after the Revival serum to destroy it, but to only use it's power to create many other different serums that can cause bad things to happen to people! Ahhh!"

"Sit down and calm yourself Tobias! You're making me nervous with all your yelling!" I feel scared now more than I am nervous. "You think sitting is the answer to this problem! Why don't you understand that peolpe are about to die because of my evil mother!" Tears are forming in my eyes and he doesn't even acknowledge them. " No, but I...." I can't even finish my sentence because he's already yelling more.

"Whatever, I'm going to be upstairs!" He stomps up the stairs and slams the door to his room shut. The loud slam sends a shiver down my back. I try not to believe he yelled at me. My head hits the couch and I wipe the tears that fell from my eyes. I look out the window and it's already late out. I am pretty tired though. It wouldn't be good to talk to him and just pile up his worries and now mine so I decide to sleep in the guest room for tonight.

I change into my night clothes and pull the bed covers over me. Before I can even think about anything more, I fall asleep.

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