Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

We enter the hotel and find that our room is on the very top floor. Knowing that this is one of the tallest hotels in the city, this might not settle so well with Tobias since he's afraid of heights.

The door to our room clicks open and I drop off the luggage by the nightstand. The room smells musty and it's not quite new but more as an old room. The curtians that drape down from the window and have aged and turned yellow. There is only one, small bed, in the center of the room.

"This place is gross!" I say. "It will have to do for now." He says.

I don't bother taking out the clothes from our luggage and putting them in a worn down closet. Instead I just sit down on the bed and hold on to my stomach.

"What's wrong?" He says. "Um, well...," I don't really know whats wrong with me. "I'm not sure." My voice comes out a squeal. I blush at the embarssement.

"Are you worried about anything?" "Tobias, just leave it, I'm fine!" Once again I didn't mean to yell but I had no choice. All his questions were agitating me.

"God Tris! Just... Just lay down or something. You need to relax." I don't comment, I just do what he says because he's right, I do need to relax. I've been easily agitated lately. Before Tobias leaves me to settle down, I grab his arm.

"Tobias... I'm sorry. I... I think that I'm just being overly protective of myself lately. I don't want anything bad to happen to our child." I hold back tears.

"It's okay. I was a little worried about you too." My hand is still on his arm. I slowly release my grip on him.

"I'm going to take a shower. Just relax."

"Okay." I said. I lay down on the small bed and still keep my arm around my stomach. I can't get over the fact that someone might be watching us. Our every move. My every move. I shiver through the thought. Evelyn probably has whoever works with her, keeping a close eye on Tobias and I. If I tell Tobias he most likely won't beleive me. If I'm right about this then we could be in grave danger.

I try to stop thinking about it and walk around the room. I check the hotel clock above our bed and see that it's way wrong. I take Tobias's watch off of the table and see that it's midnight. That sounds much more legit. I change out of my day clothes and into my night ones. I not tired and don't know what to do in this boring place. It's become a habbit of mine to twist the ring on my finger. I will never take it off.

Tobias comes out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist and the shimmer of water dripping down onto his sholders.

"Where did you put the suitcase Tris?" "It's by the door. I didn't want to put away clothes in this dirty place." He gets his clothes out of the case and then looks at me, his face questionable.

"Aren't you tired Tris?" "No not really,"I say, "I have to talk to you about something." He sits down next to me and puts his hands around my waist.

"What?" He says. "Well I know I already told you about it in the car on the way here but I seriously think that we're being watched." He looks puzzled. His hands come off me. "Tris, we went over this. No one is watching us. Do you see any cameras around here?" "Tobias, that's not what I ment. I believe that people are spying on us every time we walk outside or even in a public place. It's not like there watching us from our room up here but only if we were to go anywhere." Tobais is trying to figure this all out. "So you mean you think that whoever Evelyn hired, knows that we are here in this hotel right here right now?" "That's exactly what I mean. Oh, by the way, I don't think so, I know so."

"What the hell Tris! What are we going to do now?" He lays back on the bed and puts the pillow over his face in fustration. I grab his hand.

"Well, I think we should start on that plan that you were telling me about. I'm willing to help you out." My tone becomes soft and reassuring. "Let's think of it tomorrow... I'm too tired to think right now." He takes the pillow off his head and then lays back up. "I'm gonna get dressed." I nod and he walks back into the bathroom. I get up off the bed and close up the nasty, yellow curtains. As I fix up the bed Tobias ruffled up, I turn the main room light off and turn on the floor lamp on that stands by the left side of the bed. It's not a very bright lamp but it will do. I get in bed and pull the covers up and over me. I twist the ring on my finger again.

Tobias walks out of the bathroom. I scoot over to the right side of the small bed so Tobias can lay down.

"Do you want me to sleep on the floor?" I look up at him. "No, I'd like it if you could keep me warm up here." I smile and blush at him. He smiles back at me and says,"Well if you insist." Laying together gives me security. We are laying face to face. I put my head in his sholders and he puts his hand around my stomach as if he wants to keep the baby safe. "I love you." I whisper. "I love you too."

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