Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Pain. It’s the only thing thats keeping me from pushing my body up from the cold hard floor. I begin to hear a bubbling sound and then feel a cool sensation against my hand. Water, rising up from the tiles of the floor and drenching me wet. I panic and suddenly remember what had happened to me in the hands of the Erudite when I was placed into a tank meant to kill me by drowning. I find the strength to inch myself up off the ground  and to a position where I’m leaning against the wall in the corner of the tiny cramped room. Four white walls surround me and water seems to be rising from the floor which at this point its up to my waist. “Tobias!” I scream, but all that manages to escape me is more like a breathless cry than a scream. Where is everyone? Are they going through the same trouble I am or are they coming to find me and free me from this prison of death? Within minutes I am in water that dances across my chin and then mid-way to my nose. With one last deep breath, I go under the water and hug my stomach to where my baby will go down with me. When I open my eyes under water, everything is dark and the white floored tile is replaced with and empty black pit where I’m being dragged down to my death. Light fades and fades the further I go down. I go down to where a see light flash before my eyes and I feel weightless and this is my calling to go back to my death. Then a voice quickly fills my head, it gets louder a louder and until I recognize who’s it is. Evelyn’s. My eyes open and then reality pushes itself back to me. Evelyn stands over me with a smirk on her face. 

“Pleasant dreams?” She says to me, expecting me to answer. I should have known it was her who had captured us and has taken us to this facility where I was once tortured. 

"That was my new resistant serum to the Divergent. I figured that you wouldn't be able to pull through with the serum. I designed it with some past serums that were to be discarded and a few new ones." She smirks as if saying thanks to me and Tobias, we gave her the new serum. I have the urge to punch her but the only thing holding me back is the restraints covering my arms and legs. 

"Where is everyone else? What did you do to them?" I grit my teeth in pure anger. 

"Oh you poor dear," she begins to say as if shes sweet talking a two year old, "I'm affraid I shouldn't tell you but then again you're going to die here anyway." Yes, definitly want to punch her. I begin to plan where, if I ever get out of the restraints. It's not likely though. 

"I'm sorry to say but they're down the hall all in seperate rooms ready to be exacuted. Of course, all but Tobias. I have other plans for him." 

"Like what?" I say angerly. 

"I was planning on taking out all the memory he has of you and making him forget that you ever existed. Thanks to past memory serum that I tweaked, he'll forget everything about you." 

"I swear. If you even touch him I'll -" 

"You'll what? Kill me? Thats highly unlikely." She moves towards the door. "I'll see you soon." She smiles, and leaves. I can't let her hurt anyone. I can't. Once agian, I'm lying on my death bed. It's not so much a bed but as a cold hard table. The serum she gave me drained all of my energy out and it's now making me sleepy. I don't want to sleep though. If I sleep she could come in at any minute and do something. Its not like I have much of a choice anyway because I'm supposed to die here. My baby and I. I here the door click and she pops in. 

"Ready to kill me now?" I say with a rude tone. 

"I actually changed my mind about killing you. I believe that killing your child would be more of greater purpose of pain towards Tobias before I wipe his memory. I actually would want to run more tests on you since you are one of the strongest Divergents ever seen before." 

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