Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Christina paces behind me as we follow Tobias to who knows where.

"Tobias, stop." I say. Why would we leave and be scared of Evelyn. It's not right to the people of Chicago. We need to help them before it's too late.

"I think it would be best if we stay in town." I say, not knowing what his reaction to my comment will be. He stops walking and turns to look at me. We stop right behind him. Nothing but building walls surround us.

"Tris, we can't just stay. Don't you understand? If we stay and try to save everyone from Evelyn then you, me, or both of us are most likely going to... going to die." He doesn't get mad at me for what I said.

"Tobias I-" Christina cuts me off from me about to blow up at Tobias for him not listening to me.

"Wait you guys. Let's say that we do leave town." Great, now Christina is on Tobias's side.

"If we leave town then we can go out and find help." She says.

"Christina, I died last time we went out of town. Remember?" I say.

Tobias looks down at the ground with his hands behind his back as if trying not to remember the time where he lost me. His mouth opens and he try's to speak.

"Tris," he says, "we would probably lose you here too if we stay any longer." I don't think of it that way. My mind is too busy and I'm too stressed out to think. Without even thinking it through I reply.

"Fine, but hear me out. One thing for sure is that we aren't going back to the government compound even though everyone's mind is blank there now. I don't want to encounter the place where I once died again." It's a fair enough statement. It's the truth. Both Christina and Tobias nod.

"Trust me," Christina says, "I wouldn't want to go back there either. That place gave me nightmares after losing Uriah and you."

"Then I guess we should go then." Tobias, Christina and I, all walk in unity to where I'm thinking the train is. That would be the only reason for why we would be walking there to get out of town. I jog a little to catch up with Tobias. Christina still lingers behind.

I walk next to him and grab his hand.

"Tobias," I say, "how long do you think we will be traveling for?" He continues walking, still keeping our hands together.

"I don't know Tris. Hopefuly not too long." He smiles at me. I smile back at him.

The train is pretty far from where we are so we have a few more blocks to walk. The city looks empty. It's almost scary to me. Who knows where everyone is.

As all three of us keep walking towards the train, silence in the city is broken.

"Oh no." Says Tobias in a low whisper.

He lets go of my hand and he freezes in place. Christina and I do the same.

Another bomb from what sounds like the Abnigation part if town, has just gone off.


We all run far from the sounding of the bomb. It makes me shiver when I hear it. We arrive at the train and jump on it as quickly and as safely as we can. I take a moment to breath, gasping for air but the cold air around me makes my lungs burn.

"Tris, you should sit down." Tobias said, looking concerned for me.

"Yeah... sure." Sitting in the corner of the train car, I slump down and put my knees to my chest and put my head in between them. I never had time to put my hair up so it just falls on my legs. Tobias sits down next to me.

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