A New Start?

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"Hyung, let's eat that..." Sehun excitedly pointed to the vendor that selling some tteobokkie. He then run to the store to buy it leaving the hyungs sitting at the bench nearby.

"Are you okay?" Chanyeol asked as he look at Kyungsoo who is looking at Sehun without a word since just now.

"I think so,"

"I heard you gonna quit. Is that why you meet Mr.Zhang just now?" Kyungsoo nodded slowly answering to it.

"But i can't do it. Not in front of Hun," Kyungsoo said. He doesn't want to see the youngest sad face. Chanyeol nodded in respond. He understand and he know how Sehun been so sad after the call they both had before.

"I don't know what happen. But I guess it is because of my group, right? I can't stop you but i hope you re-think about this," Chanyeol gave words before tapoing Kyungsoo's back giving some support before pulling his hand back hearing Sehun calling them with both of his hand holding bowl of tteobokkie.

 But I guess it is because of my group, right? I can't stop you but i hope you re-think about this," Chanyeol gave words before tapoing Kyungsoo's back giving some support before pulling his hand back hearing Sehun calling them with both of his ha...

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'You better come here now or I won't forgive you for the rest of my life...' Jongin read the message on his phone groaning softly as he get up putting on a black shirt. He doesn't know what the message means but he know it just a prank to get him up from the bed. 

He been staying in his bed for few days and doesn't even want to get up. He only get up when there are schedule with his group and the other time he only staying on his bed. As soon as he reach the river side following the location that the other sent, a voice called his name.

"Jongin-ah! Here," Chanyeol said wave his hand to Jongin direction. Jongin walked to them and realize a frozen soul sitting with the back facing him.

"Sehun, let's go and grab something for Jongin," Chanyeol realize the tension on Kyungsoo and grab Sehun's hand. Sehun catch up the plan fast and followed Chanyeol without a words leaving Kyungsoo sitting there alone.

Jongin confused by his friends action slowly walk to sit beside the frozen male before realizing that it is Kyungsoo.

"You are h-here..." Jongin said surprise seeing Kyungsoo. The awkward air filled around them, even it is night now Jongin still can see clearly Kyungsoo eyes looking away from him.

"I-I got to go now..." Kyungsoo gets up which lead to Jongin to hold him down back."L-let me go Jongin..."Kyungsoo said shuttered with scared and a bit mad tone. He had been avoiding Jongin for almost a week.

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