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warning: forced drug use

Before I can make a move for the door, a hand clasps around my mouth, yanking my body back and onto the sofa as I let out a muffled yelp. In an instant, she's on top of me, my hands restrained beneath her as she straddles my waist.

"Did you hit your head? You're acting funny." She comments when I writhe about in an attempt to become free, yelling beneath her hand in hopes that someone will hear me and stop this madness. Nobody does, however, and she doesn't let up on her own.

Her dark eyes glance over to the hot chocolate as she sighs.

"I tried to do this the easy way." She mutters, using her free hand to rummage in her pocket, "Good job I have a backup."

When her hand retreats from the pocket of her sweatpants, a small olive-green pill sits prettily between her fingertips. My struggle becomes stronger. Rohypnol. I'd recognise it anywhere after my past, something I'm incredibly ashamed of but something that may be about to save me. She doesn't seem to care all that much for my panic as she leans back and finds a half-filled bottle of water on the sofa, dropping the pill inside. The water turns a bright blue as she swills it around while the pill dissolves.

"Help!" I call out, though the sound itself is a quiet 'Hmmph!' She strengthens her hold on my mouth.

"Drink up." She smirks, moving her hand to pinch my nose instead as she brings the bottle closer. I gasp for air then hold my lips closed tightly, but it's no use when she's patient enough to wait until my face turns red from lack of oxygen. The second time I gasp, she forces the bottle between my teeth, the liquid filling my mouth far too quickly. Despite how I try to expel it, she wins. The whole bottle is drained with only a tiny amount falling from the corners of my mouth. She tosses the bottle carelessly over her shoulder and drags her eyes over me with a predatory look. By the end of it all, tears brim my eyes.

She takes notice of this when one makes its way along my temple, 'reassuring' me in a softly cooed, "Don't worry, baby. We'll be home soon."

Home. Does she even realise that wherever she's taking me isn't my home?

With her remaining where she is perched on top of me, hand covering my mouth but thankfully allowing me to breathe now, I start to feel the effects of the drug kicking in. The room begins to sway, walls morphing and becoming distorted, and I feel lightheaded and weak, almost like I'm heavily intoxicated. Still, she doesn't budge. At least half an hour passes of her keeping me in place as the bus seems to change shape around me while my mind begins to cloud, my physical struggle disappearing entirely and my mental one becoming weaker and weaker, before my eyelids begin to droop, soon closing fully and being entirely too heavy to lift. My mind fights with itself as I feel myself slowly fade into unconsciousness, though I can hear her for a moment more.

"I'll keep you safe, baby. I promise." She whispers, "I won't let them take you away."


"Thirty minutes." The nurse reminds me. I nod, flinching as the door closes with a loud slam.

"Hey. It's only me, Y/n..." I greet the girl in a quiet tone.

She's trembling, knees brought up to her chest, arms locking her head in a place where it's hidden in her legs. When she hears my voice, she slowly raises her head to peek over at me and her tearful eyes come into view.

"Hey, Ari." I smile sympathetically, reaching over to rest my hand on her cold toes. They curl tightly against the light blue sheets under my touch but soon relax again as she releases the grip of one hand on her hair to wipe at her eyes.

"They took it away." She whispers, moving both arms to wrap around her legs instead of her head as she rolls to her side with her head in my lap. My hands fall to her plentiful curls of hair, gently stroking through them as she continues to wipe her tears away.

"Took what away?"

"The meds."

"Didn't you want them to?" I frown, pausing in my actions as she turns and begins drawing patterns on my stomach.

She nods.

"Then... why are you upset?"

"Because now I can see the truth." She comments, "They're blinding you. They're blinding all of us so we don't see what they're really doing here. We're lab rats, Y/n."

"Mhmm." I hum softly, knowing she's experiencing another delusion. I softly run a hand up and down her back to comfort her as I ask, "How are you going to get out?"

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