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For the sake of plot and my own lack of research, we're going to pretend that in this universe, certain legal rights don't really exist :D

"I don't have much time with you," The strange woman explains as she seats herself in the chair she'd personally dragged into the cell while I was trying to sleep, "I'm a lawyer. I know you've been here before. I know you know your rights, so you know you shouldn't really be being held here, but your emergency contact has made an exception in this instance and asked for you to remain here until this case is cleared up."

I sigh as I sit up on the bed, leaning against the concrete wall and regarding the smartly dressed lady.

"Can you help me get back to her?" I question, mimicking her when she raises her brow.

"I need you to tell me everything you've told the police."

My head rolls back, hitting the wall behind me, and I groan up at the ceiling. The more time I spend in this place, around these people, the more I'm reminded of my past; the past I so desperately want to put behind me. I was close until Camila spoke his name again. Since then, I can't forget.

"Just leave it, Zach." I try again, "I don't want it."

"Oh, come on, Y/n/n. Live a little!" He smirks, shaking the small plastic bag between his fingertips.

"Put that shit away!" I hiss, paranoiacally glancing about us only to find the street empty of any sign of civilisation besides the empty black car parked up beside the sidewalk, "Do you want to get caught?"

"Fuck you, Y/n." He scoffs, anger setting in all of a sudden in the way it so often does with him lately, "All I've done is give to you. I give you free shit, I give you good shit, I give you me all the fucking time, and you just want to be a little cunt when it comes to you giving me something? You know what? I'm done with giving. It's time I take something."

A shine of silver brings my attention to the object in his hand, and panic instantly sets in. I may not have seen one in real life before, but it's not too difficult to identify a gun when it's pressed into your stomach.

"Zach, you don't want to do this." I plead, "I'll take the damn coke, just put that away, yeah?"

"Fuck you." He spits, stumbling in his spot as he cocks the gun. The click seems to echo around the street before it reaches my ears.

This is it, I think, this is where I die. Before he can pull the trigger, though, a police siren sounds, the inconspicuous black car suddenly fills with flashing blue lights, and my life changes forever.

"Y/n," the lawyer clicks her slender fingers in front of my face. When I zone back into the present, she gives me a suspicious look. "You don't have any weird psychological issues I should prepare myself for dealing with, do you?"

I shake my head. "No. I told the police that I want to go back to Camila, that they took me from Camila, and... I think that's it."

"Do you want to press charges against her for anything?"

"No," I exclaim, "She hasn't done anything wrong!"

She nods, types something on her iPad disguised as a notebook, and swiftly gets to her feet.

"I'll find a way to get you back."

My eyes widen in hope as she struts toward the door, "Really?"

She nods again, a high-pitched hum of affirmation leaving her, and a smile cracks my face in two. Well, that was easy.

"Wait!" I call out, smile turning into a frown, "You said my emergency contact made an exception. Who is my emergency contact?"

"You didn't have one so we had to use the person who reported you as missing," she states as if it's obvious.

"And... who was that?"

"Someone by the name of... Grande?" She glances at her iPad once more, "Ariana Grande."

"Ariana- But that's impossible. How did she even know?" My frown deepens as I think years back to my last interaction with anything Ariana. It had been in rehab, and we both didn't know she'd be leaving the following day.

The lawyer's watch beeps, and she swiftly leaves without another word while I'm left to ruminate over this new information.

Ariana's POV

"She's not?" I frown, glancing nervously out the window as I press the phone further against my ear. The voice continues, and I sigh. "Okay, I'll come down as soon as possible. Thank you."

Tell me what you think is going to happen so I can take inspiration from your theories! 😂

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