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It took forever, but I managed it.

Camila had inadvertently taught me that if I want something, I first have to cooperate. I'd stopped fighting her and gotten out of the basement, so I stopped fighting Ariana and she'd taken me out to town. Every day, she visited the closest coffee shop for breakfast and much needed caffeine since the hotel doesn't serve food after 10 am when we'd wake up. Usually, she'd 'trust' me to stay in the room, if trust meant locking the door behind her and not leaving me a key card. Somehow, she thought that was better than what Camila had done.

Today, she lets me borrow a pair of sunglasses—though confused on why I need them—and brings me with her.

My eyes are wide and searching the whole time, combing each street for any sign of the woman I've become dependant on. The messages I sent to her were read but not replied to, so I have no idea if she'll even be in town today, if this is even the town she visits, but I'm hopeful. I have to be. I don't want to consider why else she may not have replied.

"What are you wanting?" Ari questions as we enter the loud coffee shop. I look over to the choices of pastries and sandwiches before pointing to a croissant, which she quickly orders along with a muffin for herself and coffee for both of us. I take the food and find a seat near the floor-to-ceiling windows as she waits for the drinks, already halfway through my croissant by the time she slides into the seat opposite me.

"You look like you've never seen so many people before." She smiles softly, almost sadly. I turn to look out the window and shrug.

"I've seen a stadium full of people. This is nothing."

"When you were with her?"

"Yeah." I take another bite of the airy pastry, squinting in an attempt to make out whether the brunette across the street is Camila or not. It isn't—her features are too harsh—so I settle back into my seat.

We eat in silence for a minute more before Ariana speaks again. "You know, I'm proud of you."

My brows crease as I watch her gulp down her cooling coffee.

"You stayed clean," She clarifies.


Silence again. Another flash of brown hair, this one disappearing into the store across the road. I don't see a face.

"Are you looking for something?" She frowns, turning to look out the window too.

I brush it off with a simple, "Just people-watching," while my heart continues to race. That could be her. She could be in that store. So close.

"I need the restroom," I announce, standing so quickly my chair scrapes across the ground and rushing into the back of the cafe before she can question me. On the way, the baristas send odd looks my way, but I only return them with a grin before slipping into the women's room. It is one cubicle, with a large counter surrounding a deep sink, and a small window above the toilet. It is this which I latch my focus onto, feeling around the edges for an opening. The action is familiar, but before I can dwell on that, I'm swinging the glass pane open and clambering through the open gap into the side street below. I don't hesitate to hurry toward the store across the street. Behind me, Ariana calls out in confusion, but I'm already halfway across the street and there is no chance I'm stopping. I turn to fit through the automatic doors before they can open all the way and search wildly for the woman I'd seen.

A brown braid catches my attention, but it's too light to be Camila's. Then, the perfect match.

"Camila?" I call quietly, not wanting to garner too much attention. She doesn't turn, so I make my way toward her, frowning when I notice the large bag of horse feed in a cart beside her.

I tap her shoulder, repeat her name, and my smile falls when she turns with a frown. It isn't her.

"Can I help you?"

"Sorry, so sorry," I stammer, "I-uh, I thought you were someone else."

The stranger with light blue eyes nods understandingly and turns back to the shelves before her.

With a defeated sigh, I turn on my heels, only to feel my heart soar again.


She stands at the other end of the small store, which I now know to be an animal supply store of some kind, with a tub of something or other in one hand and her lips parted, eyes wide, brows pleading. Then, she strides toward me.



I crash into her body, wrapping my arms so tightly around her, I'm forced onto my toes.

"What are you doing here?" She questions, traces of airy relief in her tone, "I thought-"

"Take me back." I interrupt, "Don't let me leave again. Please." My voice is a desperate whisper, paired with hands clinging to her flannel shirt as if she might disappear if I release my hold.

"Okay." Her free hand comes to rest on the back of my head, fingers twisting their way into my hair, and she nods, more definite in her repeated, "Okay, baby."

This is kind of short bUt I think either the next chapter or the one after will be the final chapter so make your final requests here of what you want to see (yes, there will be a little bit of smut like kind of fluffy smut :) )

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