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Back and forth, Camila went; Back and forth between the two houses, bringing bags and suitcases with her and every time stopping to poke her head into the room, either ensuring I was okay or ensuring I was still there. Then, finally, as the sun began to dip below the uneven horizon cast by the tall trees around the house, she stopped.

"Hey, little duck." She greets breathily, stepping into the room and locking the door behind her. By the time she turns, the key is out of sight.

"It's getting dark," I comment in return, watching from the bed as she pulls the sheer curtains shut.

She hums, moving to the dresser then and opening the one which holds the more comfortable clothes. I quickly look away, expecting her to change, but after the recognisable rustle of clothing, she tosses the clothes in my direction and clambers into the bed clad only in a bra and a pair of boxers.

Blushing, I silently slip out the other side, sitting beside the bed to change into the offered white sweatshirt. It clings to my frame as I get back under the covers, but her tanned hand reaches out and, when she feels the fabric of my borrowed shorts, she utters a small, reprimanding, "Ah-ah."

I remain still as she slowly, ever so slowly, tugs the piece of clothing from my legs, sighing contently once it is tossed across the room.

"Better." She comments before shuffling closer until she's mere inches away.

Maybe it's because of the tension crackling and snapping in the air between us, or maybe it's the heat that barely manages to creep across from her body to lick at my skin, or maybe it's the simple fact that I am out of my mind, but seconds later, I'm closing the gap, tossing my arms around her waist, and burying my face in the crook of her neck. I feel her lips against the crown of my head before a low rumbling picks up, a vibration starting in her chest. She continues to hum a simple tune until I fall asleep.


"No, I-..." Camila's voice is muffled by the door, though the frustration and shrill tone are both still evident, "I didn't-... Shut the fuck up, I-... No, you don't get to say anything, you-... Fine. Good luck finding me."

"Camila?" I call when all falls silent, "Are you o-"

Before I can finish, she bursts into the room, now wearing a pair of skinny jeans and a crop top. I must admit, the outfit is alluring.

"Are you okay?" I repeat, watching with a frown as she storms over to the dresser and throws open the nice-clothes-drawer.

"Get dressed." She demands, moving back to stand beside the door and crossing her arms across her chest.

"What?" I stammer, looking between her and the open drawer.

"Get something out of that and get the fuck dressed, Y/n. We're going somewhere. You need to look presentable." She snaps, leaving the room and closing the door with so much force, its loud slam could likely be heard from outside.

Gulping, I do as she says, carefully looking over the options before settling on an outfit. I make my way to the side of the dresser out of view from the door and change.

As soon as I'm finished, I open the door and find her pacing a small landing outside. Her head snaps up to face me when I clear my throat.

"Good. You're done." She points towards the hallway to my left, "Bathroom."

Making my way along the red carpet, I stop when I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to see her opening a door and leading me into the room. Before I can question her joining me, she pulls a brush from the edge of the sink and begins to carefully comb through my hair. Once done, she moves onto makeup, being sure to apply it carefully to the parts of my face that need to be disguised, the parts that show how malnourished I am. Satisfied, she produces a pair of dark sunglasses from her pocket and slips them onto my face.

"Where are we going?" I ask as she repeats the process for herself.

I don't get any answer until she parks up outside of a grocery store, having covered my eyes until we were already in the small town. Or at least, I think it's a small town, which would mean we're not in Miami anymore.

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