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Queen of updates, who? 👑
😂 jkjk, enjoy!

"Sing." Camila requests, making me frown.

I draw in a sharp breath as she rips the bandage from my torso in one swift motion, the sound hissing like the wind through the crack in my old window.

Glancing down, I take a look at the state of myself. The thinner parts of the gash have already begun to scab over while a lot of it is still open, exposed. It looks gruesome, to say the least. I'll likely have some scarring, though how much, I am uncertain.

"Sing, Y/n. You have such a pretty voice." She repeats as she gently wipes down the cut, tan skin start against the white wipes that are rapidly turning red.

"I don't," I refuse, shaking my head slightly. My eyes close as I focus on my breathing instead. In, out. In, out. In- Fuck, that hurt.

"If you want food, sing." She bargains, quirking a brow as she tosses the wipes onto the old bandage.

Shakily, I begin to hum a tune, trying to remember the words to a song, any song. My mind comes up blank, but she suddenly changes hers.

"Not that one." She refuses, pulling her phone from her back pocket and scrolling through whatever she's on. The cold air leaves my cut stinging harshly as she is distracted by the phone.

"Here." She offers, placing the phone down as it begins to play a song, "Do you know the words?"

"No," I answer shortly, clenching my fists as she rolls a fresh bandage over the wound.

Shrugging, she starts to quietly sing along herself as she tapes the gauze to my body.

It's not until the pre-chorus that the song gives me chills.

"And on and on from the moment I wake, To the moment I sleep, I'll be there by your side, Just you try and stop me," she sings, looking up into my eyes as if directing the words to me, speaking right to my soul, "I'll be waiting in line, Just to see if you can."

Perhaps it's because she's the one singing, but the words leave a disturbing image in my mind (not that anything could be much worse than reality right now).

She continues to sing softly as she tidies up the first aid kit, a familiar sight now. Before standing to leave, she forces her lips on mine once more, only briefly this time. I almost feel myself reciprocating.

"I'll feed you, even though you didn't sing," She promises, picking her phone up from the floor before heading towards the door, repeating even after the song is finished, "Just you try to stop me."

Then, once again, I'm left to my own imagination.


"What is that?" I sit up as soon as she enters the room, for in her hand sits a steaming bowl of something that smells amazing.

"Dinner." She announces with a grin, "Pie."

My being is consumed with desperation, as if this is my first meal in months, when she brings the bowl closer to me. Jaw dropping and tongue darting out to dampen my cracked lips, I can almost taste the food on the air.

"Please," I beg, pulling harshly against my wrist and ankle restraints as I try to bring myself closer to her, the bowl, the food. God, it smells delicious.

My chains clank together as I tug on them once more. Stomach rumbling, my hunger is evident and all-consuming. How long had she left it this time?

"Ah-ah. Where are your manners?" She scolds, tugging her chair back out of reach and perching herself on it, bowl sitting prettily on her lap.

Whining, I all but throw myself against the wall, eyes glued to the pure white bowl. I don't think I've ever been this hungry in my life, and it smells amazing. I'd do anything for a taste, I'm sure, but thankfully she doesn't ask anything of me.

I greedily take the first spoonful she offers me, a good mix of pastry and steak and vegetables, ignoring her deep laugh as she moves to collect more. When she brings it to her own lips, my attention finally turns to her. My heart drops, as well as my gaze. The latter is ashamedly.

A deep purple bruise surrounds her eye, and it looks rather fresh. My jaw clenches as I blink rapidly. I'd been so obsessed with the need for food that I hadn't even bothered greeting her. How rude.

"Are you okay?" I ask, still not looking back up at her.

The spoon comes down into my field of vision, laden with nutrition, and I sheepishly take the offering, shifting uncomfortably.

"I'm fine." She whispers.

Slowly, my eyes flit back to the bowl, watching as she sometimes scrapes the spoon against the ceramic as she gathers another bite of food.

"Thank you," I gulp, watching as she eats it before making cautious eye contact, "For the pie. I'm sorry I didn't sing earlier."

Her own gaze is directed down at the bowl as she repeats the ritual of scraping, collecting, and alternating who's mouth it goes to.

"Singing stops things from hurting. I didn't ask you to do it for my entertainment," She explains in lieu of forgiveness or even a 'you're welcome'.

My brows furrow as I take the food, savouring the taste and softness of the meat. I barely have to chew before swallowing as it falls apart in my mouth.

Neither of us speaks after that. I simply watch patiently as she scrapes, collects, alternates, and repeats.

My gaze traces the edges of the bruise around her eye. It's relatively small, and there's no swelling, but its dark shade may be cause for concern, as well as how she got it. I don't dare ask, though, sensing it may be a boundary I'm not supposed to cross. Besides, I'm not supposed to care. After everything she's done to me, what do I care if she's hurt? But I do. I can't deny it. I'm angry that someone might hurt her, might flaw her.

She gives me the last spoonful of pie, mainly gravy with one small pea floating in the top, before silently standing from her seat, spoon clinking against the bowl as she sets it down. Wordlessly, she reaches down for my empty water bottle, kicks the crackers back into reach, and leaves the room, casting one final look at me before doing so.

"Goodnight, baby." She dismisses before slipping out of the door, locking it behind her.

I don't utter any reply, just staring at the wooden door after she leaves.

I settle in to wait, and wait, and wait until she comes back.

The song is Shiver by Coldplay (in the banner), in case you were wondering.

Also, just to check in: how are you feeling about Camila right now? About Y/n? What do you want to see happen soon? (besides smut, I'm getting there 😂)

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