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"Stop! What are you doing?!" I yell as she pulls me up by the collar and pushes me against the wall, knocking the wind out of me and once again sending pain through my body.

My hands fly out in her direction, pushing her away as much as I can, though she calmly grabs my wrists and presses them against the wall above my head, stepping on my feet so I can't kick her, either.

"Stop fighting," She says lowly. Seemingly reading my mind, she presses her own head against mine to stop me from using that against her, too.

"Let me go!" I call out, voice trembling despite how I attempt to keep it stable and strong, "Please!"

"I don't think so," She growls, eyes dropping from my own to something lower. Her forehead shifts against mine.

"Please, Camila. Please, just let me out. I won't tell anyone. I promise, I won't." My vision blurs as water wells in my eyes until I have to close them to keep the tears hidden.

"I can't." She refuses, "It's not safe out there, baby. I want to keep you safe, with me. Can't you see that?"

All of a sudden, I feel lips on mine. I don't move, but neither does she as she holds herself entirely against me for a number of seconds before changing the direction of her advances. Moving to hold both of my arms in one hand, she clasps her free fingers on my nose, closing my nostrils so I cannot breathe. Panic consumes my body and mind as she finally moves, only tilting her head to cover my mouth further. My eyes shoot open, tears falling as I convulse against the wall. Oxygen supplies quickly run out and the world around me turns an odd shade of blue.


Confused, I look around and realise I'm still in the basement, sat on the floor with my arms hanging above my head. I tug on them, but soon come to find that I've been tightly chained to the wall. Tears return to my eyes, threatening to join those which have dried along my cheeks. I must've fainted while she kissed me and stayed unconscious long enough for her to do this to me.

"I'm going to run out of first aid supplies soon," Camila mumbles as she harshly wipes the cut now slashed across my torso.

My stomach recoils from the touch, prompting her to glance up into my eyes before focusing back on cleaning my wound.

"How long was I out?" I question, focusing on how her hand holds my shirt up just above my bra. It shifts slightly as if aware of my attention.

"Not long." She shrugs, tugging another wipe from the packet and discarding the old one onto a small pile beside her.

After another few painful wipes, she seems satisfied and moves to take something else from the small first aid box.

"Hold this." She instructs as she lifts my shirt high enough that the bottom seam reaches my mouth. Hesitatingly, I hold the fabric between my teeth as I watch her continue to work.

Gently, surprisingly, she unrolls a long strip of gauze and lays it across the diagonal gash before cutting it to size and beginning to tape it into place. Then, she trails one soft fingertip along the edge, reaching the topmost corner and trailing a little higher.

I drop the shirt, covering my exposed body and her forearm. She slowly drags her eyes up to mine, simply staring at me for a moment before turning to pick up the mess she's made.

"Why aren't you at the interview?" I remember, gaining her attention once more as she glances my way.

"It got postponed. Good thing it did, too." She chuckles deeply, taking the first aid kit and moving over to the window. She pauses for a moment, simply staring at the small hole in the wall, before she nods and leaves the room, leaving the door open behind her almost teasingly.

When she returns not five minutes later, she's holding a toolbox in one hand and a plastic bag of something in the other.

"What's that for?" I question nervously.

"The window, and you." She answers, only adding fuel to my fear.

When she looks over at me, she must notice the slight tremble in my body as she quickly adds, "Oh! It's just food."

I nod, turning my attention to the ground as she begins working on the window, steadily blocking out the light as she boards it up.

Obsessed | Camila x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now