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Her face turns cold, and when she repeats herself, her voice is threateningly monotonous. "Who?"

The doorbell's shrill calling rings through the house again. I swallow thickly, watching as her chest heaves and a certain, familiar darkness clouds her eyes.

"Go to the bathroom," She instructs, "Lock yourself in and don't open it for anyone. You hear me? You leave it locked no matter what, Y/n."

I nod, and she gracefully descends from the bed just as the bell rings again, this time joined with that first voice again, calling her name.

"Fucking Lauren. Of course." She hisses even as she ushers me into the smaller room, making sure the door is locked behind me. I press my ear against the wooden door, straining to hear what is surely an oncoming commotion. Something metallic slams, a mechanical humming fills the air, and she tosses open the front door. For a moment, her voice is too quiet to make out any words, but when she moves back into the kitchen, each syllable floats clearly up the staircase.

"You caught me baking," She exclaims, "If I'd known to expect you, I'd have put it in sooner so it'd be ready for you, though I'd doubt I'd willingly share a banana loaf with anyone." Her laugh is oddly natural, and so is her voice, for such a panic-inducing situation.

"Where is she, Camila?" Lauren asks frustratedly.

"Where's who?" I can all but hear her frown.

There's a silence followed by footsteps scattering through the house before the conversation continues in a barely audible hush.

"Don't play games. You only come out here when you've got something to hide, so where is she?"

"You mean Y/n?" She replies casually, and my eyes bug out of my head. What is she doing?

When there's another, shorter silence, I hear somebody approaching, and scramble toward the back of the bathroom, almost falling into the bath when a foot comes into view and the door begins to shake. The conversation continues, but I can't make out any words over my own heart thumping in my ears.

"Ally," the voice beyond her door hisses," This door is locked!"

Despite myself, I stepped back into the bathtub, hoping that if the girl on the other side had any sense and decided to look through the hole in the bottom of the door, she wouldn't be able to see me.

There's a short moment of silence, during which I hear Camila argue, "Don't you think I know that?!" before a series of small clicks.

Camila's POV

"You mean Y/n?" I ask, pretending to be busy cleaning and attempting not to glance toward the staircase when Normani and Ally head up there. Invasive bitches.

"Yes, I mean Y/n." Lauren sighs, exasperated, "I know you have her, so where is she?"

I toss the tea towel down on the island and feign a sigh, leaning against the old worktop and donning a regretful tone, "I haven't seen her since she came on tour. She said something about wanting to start over, her life was pretty shitty, and then she just... disappeared. I encouraged her to, you know, start fresh, move somewhere else. Now I feel like shit because what if something happened to her?"

"So you didn't write these, then?" From her pocket, Lauren produces a slightly-wrinkled white envelope, Y/n's name written across the front. I try not to react, but I can feel the scowl settling on my face, just like it used to on his. "You didn't keep her in the basement that just happened to have chains on the walls?"

"How did you get into my house?" I question coldly, eyes raising from the envelope to stare her down. She flinches, and I almost smile, but then she regains her confidence and leans against the counter opposite me.

"I knew you were fucked in the head, but kidnapping someone is pretty fucked up."

"Don't you think I know that?!" I snap, voice almost echoing in the kitchen. After a moment, I take a deep breath and look back down at the letters. "I didn't... I didn't kidnap her. She's not here."

At that moment, I hear her yelling my name and my eyes instantly flick up to the staircase where she's being dragged down by both Normani and Ally, the shorter girl struggling a little.

"Nice try." Lauren smiles sarcastically, and oh how I want to smack that look off of her face. Instead, I turn my attention to the only person in this world I truly care about.

"Leave her alone," I snarl to the pair carrying Y/n, but they don't stop. They don't even react to me at all. Instead, Normani offers my love some gentle reassurance that she's going to be safe. Her tear filled eyes stay on me the whole way, and even as anger boils inside me, I don't let her see.

"You're a sicko, Camz." Lauren spits, that last word curling itself around my mind and bringing back memories I'd rather not see. As she turns to leave, my grip on the worktop edge tightens. Dinah, oblivious to the chaos just passed, enters from my bedroom, which she'd probably ransacked, and comes to take Lauren's place.

"What?" I snap, staring up at her even as Y/n is dragged out of my sight.

Dinah wears a small, sympathetic smile as she looks down at me. "I'm sorry," she offers, "But you know this isn't right."

What's that saying? If you love something, let it go; If it's meant to be, it'll come back? With that in mind, I offer Dinah an escape with a simple, "You should go before I rip someone's eyes out."

She gulps, nods, and follows my advice. As she reaches the front door, a tear already halfway down my cheek, she turns and nods once as if in friendly goodbye before slipping into the yard and out toward wherever they'd come from. When the door clicks shut, I slam my bandaged hand against the island and roar like the angry, hurt, monster I am.

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