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You guys are thirsty af ngl 😂

"Y/n/n!" A voice calls from across the communal area. I frown momentarily before meeting eyes with a dopey-looking girl.

Changing my trajectory, I move to sit beside her.

"Hey, Ari." I greet, noticing her frequent tapping on the table and the way her ankle is bound to her chair, "Did you get something to eat yet?"

She shakes her head no, slowly looking around the room with a broad smile on her face.

"What do you want? I'll get you some."

"Strawberries." She giggles for no apparent reason.

"Alright. I'll be right back, okay?"

"Strawberries, strawberries, strawberries. Okay?" She repeats, imitating me.

I don't make any further comments before leaving to get her some food. Obviously, her medication is making her this way. I just wonder how long they'll keep her on this one.

When I return, however, there is no Ariana sitting at the table. She isn't sitting anywhere, actually.

"They for Grande?" A nurse asks, gaining my attention. Ah, Nurse Jackson. The nice one.

She is pointing down at my tray, more specifically at the plate full of slightly off strawberries. I nod, handing them to her.

"I'll take them to her room." She winks, holding a finger up in a hushing way. I nod thankfully before watching her walk in the direction of Ariana's room to give the strawberries to the suffering girl.

With a small sigh, I take her seat at the table, looking out of the window and trying to ignore a boy's screaming from his room as I eat my breakfast of cold toast and jam.


"Y/n, wake up." A sharp command paired with a sharp prod to my side is what wakes me. I do so with a start, not recognising where I am and who could possibly be waking me up. When I do, it doesn't exactly help to calm me down.

"Camila." I croak, covering my eyes to hide from the bright light coming from the window.

"Get up." She orders, doing so herself and waiting for me.

"Whyy?" I groan, wanting nothing more than for her to let my aching body go back to sleep.

"You have to go to the bathroom. I'm going out today so you won't have another chance."

"What? Where are you going?" I question, doing as she says now and getting to my feet.

"Interview," Is her short reply.

She makes quick work of holding my hands between my shoulder blades so I can't fight her off as she guides me through the house and into the bathroom I ran into previously.

Thankfully, she stops outside the door which she closes behind me before instructing, "Use the toilet and swill your mouth out."

"Okay," I call back before awkwardly doing as she says.

It's now that I realise I don't have a toothbrush, any clean clothes, or any other way of keeping my hygiene up, especially if she keeps me down there in that basement. With a little luck, however, I won't be down there much longer.

"Done," I announce after trying to open the door only to find a weight on the other side disallows it.

"Turn around." She orders through the wood, making me confusedly do so before I hear the door open behind me and feel her hands once again connect my wrists behind my back.

The silence of the walk to the basement is filled with her quiet humming a song I'm vaguely familiar with. Once we reach the door, she pauses.

"Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n." She slowly drags out my full name, simultaneously stepping forward until she's pressed against my back. Her voice is low as she whispers into my ear, "Do you know how long I waited to bring you home?"

Taking a shaky breath, I let out a trembling, "How long?"

She chuckles deeply, reaching around my body to open the door and reveal the dark room on the other side.

"So long, baby." She comments as she forces me down the first step. Then, just before closing the door, she adds, "Longer than you could imagine."

With those chilling words, she closes and locks the door behind her. I wait on the staircase until her footsteps ebb away, waiting further for silence to have filled the house for at least five minutes or so before beginning to execute my plan.

First, the door. I try the doorknob, but of course, it doesn't budge.

Next stop, the window again. I know it won't smash if I use my hand, so I try the bannister of the staircase. Tugging on each wooden rung, I try to find one that'll break off. Seeing as the staircase is pretty old and not well kept, it should relatively easy.

When I get to the last one, it moves.

"Yes!" I hiss, moving to kick against the bottom of it until it pops out of place. Awesome! Now I just need to slam it against the window hard enough and it should break and I'll be able to wriggle my way out of it and to safety.

Bang. The wood against the glass.

I'll run to a neighbours house, tell them I need help and to call the police.


I'll never have to see her again. Even if she doesn't get punished for what she's done, I'll be in the witness protection program.


A tiny crack forms in the corner of the window, a weak spot. A huge smile crosses my face as I begin to focus my energy on that spot, slamming the wood against it over and over until it finally breaks away. I quickly clear the rest of the window, but then-

"Y/N!" She tells from behind me.

What the- isn't she supposed to be out?

Desperately, and uncaring for my injured arm, I pull myself up the wall towards the window, trying to tug my body through even as I hear the door open behind me and someone thunder down the staircase.

"No!" I yell at her hand clasps around my ankle, pulling me back in. My torso scrapes across a broken shard of glass remaining in the bottom of the window frame, sending a searing pain through my body as I land on the concrete floor with a thud.

Above me, Camila looks possessed.

Obsessed | Camila x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now