moving in

401 10 16

Sehun pov
Holy shit. We fucked. On a fucking car. What?!
We wore back our clothes and Kai switched the sheets into a white one. It was made out of silk. Fucking silk. How rich is he even?

He did everything by himself as I sat there watching. I felt worthless, useless.
"Hey my precious baby, my prince, my everything. Stop pouting, you look so fucking cute."
"I feel useless."
"Don't blame it on yourself baby. It's my fault for wrecking your ass."

I blushed but quickly had a poker face on again.
"But I-"
"No buts." He lifted me off and went to bed with me still clinging onto him. I cuddled up against his arm and laid my head on his chest.
"Sleep baby, it's quite a long ride." I hummed in response and closed my eyes, falling into the dark abyss.


"Babe, Hun, Sehun, baby boy." My eyes fluttered open.
"We're here."
"Oh." He walked out and I sat up, realising that I can't walk. He popped his head back in.
"Idiot I cant walk!" He chuckled and walked to me, carrying me up and getting off the limo.

"Wanna see the exterior?" I nodded my head and he turned around, letting me see it. My mouth opened wide. It was beautiful! Then I remembered something. Didn't he say that this was mansion 7 or something?
"How many mansions do you even have?"
"Like, 12?" Wig snatched.
"How can you even afford all of those?!"
"Mafias make a lot of money baby, especially if you're the lead clan."

He walked in and set me down on the couch which was very comfortable, by the way.
"Hunnie I have six bedrooms, you wanna choose a room?"
"Will you be sleeping with me?"
"Depends." I pouted.
"But I wanna sleep with you by my side..." He hugged me from the side and kissed me.
"Then I'll sleep with my baby boy."

He showed me the different pictures of each room.

"Which one do you want Hunnie?""The black one!""Then the gold one for khm

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"Which one do you want Hunnie?"
"The black one!"
"Then the gold one for khm. Yeah?"
(a/n: khm= cough)
"Of course, not today though, you wrecked my ass hard. Oh yeah, can we ask our friends to stay over some day?"
"Not here, we'll go to the one nearest to our school, it has the exact same rooms."
"Why not here though?"
"Safety precautions. We don't want then to find us now do we?"
"Oh yeah... can you explain to me?"
"About Luhan?"

I pursed my lips.
"Yeah." He took a deep breath in and let it out.
"Okay. So Luhan. He's the boss of the Lu clan, and my most hated enemy. He... we were good friends before. Until one day that sick fuck decided that hey! Wouldn't it be nice to shoot a bullet through the head of my good friend's mother? Holy shit I was fucking sixteen and he killed my fucking mother. He cut off every single finger on my mother's hand, then cut off all of the toes she had. Then he shot my mother. I trusted him, Sehun. I did. Before the incident happened, about a few months before, he told me that he had a boyfriend. But he didn't love him. He didn't love you. So I asked him why. You know what he said? He said, 'I'm just using him so that my father doesn't set me up with other girls. It would be nice to steal his first kiss too. Think about it. His first kiss, lost to someone that doesn't love him!' I didn't approve of his actions but who am I to stop him? But what I didn't expect was that it would be you, an angel. Holy shit if it was someone else like Jongdae or something I wouldn't even fucking care anymore. But heck I hold a grudge against him for it being you. You... you know how you told me that I shouldn't steal? But you did. You stole something," He smiled, taking my hands, "you stole my heart."

I smiled and hugged him, lifting my head up and kissing him deeply.
"I love you Nini."
"I love you too Hun."


"How long does it take to go to school?"
"2 hours? A little more?"
"WHAT?! And the one nearest to school?"
"10 minutes."
"Why is this happening to me?" I pouted and Kai ruffled my hair.
"Because baby, I want to cuddle with you."
"That doesn't make any sense but okay."
"I have snacks, a bed, a television and plenty drinks in my limo and cuddles too, let's go."
"Cuddles you say? Thank you I love you let's go."

What can I say? I love me some cuddles.

"Can you walk?"
"Are you seriously asking me that now?"
"I'm taking it as a no."
"But... I'll try."
"Hey I can carry you it's no big deal."
"But I don't want you to strain your muscles..."
"It's no problem baby. Really."
"Can I hold your hand and try at least?"
"Sehun baby are you sure?"
"Yes. I mean, you can't carry me around everywhere in school right?"
"I'm willing to."
"This is why I love you, but let me try."

I held Kai's hand and took a step, then another. I could walk a little, limping with each step. We made it to the car and I climbed in, immediately throwing myself on the fluffy white sheets.
"Babe what'd you want to eat? Drink?"
"Lay's sour cream and onion chips! And sprite please~"
He got a bag of chips and two bottles of sprite, then climbed in beside me. We both sat up and rested our backs on the back of the bed (the car seat).

Kai brought his hand over my shoulder and I snuggled into his chest.
"What show do you wanna watch Hun?"
"Whatever you want, I've chose enough. I love how you treat me but don't pamper me too much please baby."
"You don't like it?"
"No... I'm just scared. Scared that I'll turn into one of those bitch ass girls who has rich boyfriends..."
"Aw baby okay."
"Thank you Nini."

He decided on watching youtube.


"Kai we're here!" Jungkook announced from the drivers seat.
"Let's go babe."
He switched of the television and we climbed out the car. We could see people looking at us in envy and shock.
I limped to my locker as some people laughed. Kai hugged my waist.
"Baby ignore them."
"Okay." He pecked my lips and took his stuff out from his locker, which was conveniently placed beside mine. (I wonder how.)

Out of a sudden someone slammed me against my locker.
"Fuck you do you think he loves you?! He doesn't! HE ENJOYED KISSING ME!"

yeah we all know who that bitch ass is :)


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