Chapter 1

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Dawn was rising over the trees as I ushered the humans out of the house. These humans were being used as blood bags for the undead vampires.

Once the last one came out I ran to the front of the group. Leading them to the shore line of an ocean I helped them climb the rocks to the cave. The humans hid inside the large cave that was in the side wall of the earth.

Its a tight squeeze at first but inside is huge. Squeezing inside I spotted my daughter sitting with a group of kids with a few adults listening to her amazing stories.

She nine years old with a fiery attitude at times. Her hair was black as night while her eyes were a baby blue. She took after her father at being a vampire.

Smiling a little by thinking of George and my family. Soon I will take her to meet her father but not sure when. She would come with me to free the humans if I needed help. To be honest she was tough a one heck of a fighter.

She left the group and hugged me. "Their kind of running low on food mom." Smiling I patted her head, "I'll go grab some food."

"Can I go with you?" She asked a little excited. "I think your story buddies would miss you too much." She looked behind her then focused on me. "There's always next time."

Squatting down I set my hands on her shoulders. "I rather have you here being safe protecting these people. " She rolled her eyes but smiled.

Hugging her tightly I kissed her forehead. She hurried over to the group as I stood back up. "You really love your daughter more than anything. " A man said making me grin.

"She's everything to me" I told him honestly. He chuckled, "just wait till she's a teenager." Laughing I looked over at him. "I don't want to think of the future of her being old enough to be on her own."

"I hear you. I was that way with my two daughters. " Smiling I patted his back as I took two men with me to town to grab some groceries.


Arriving at the store with my black shades on so I won't get recognized that easily. I grabbed anything I could find and filled two buggies with food and drinks.

Passing two security men I headed for my car. "Excuse me ma'am" I herd a dude say. Rolling my eyes, "get them in the car boys."

Turning around I glared at the man even though he couldn't see my eyes. "Why all the food for?" I knew why he was being curious. It was because of all the humans disappearing.

"I'm having a cook out most of them are weres and we tend to have a fast metabolism. Now if you excuse me I'd like to get back to my house and rest. Standing in the heat talking to you is already irritating me."

He backed off making me sigh in relief. I went to turn around but my heart literally stopped as I saw the one person I haven't seen in nine to ten years.

I couldn't breathe, walk, or anything as I stared in shock. "Are you okay?" Nodding my head I waved them off. "Go to the house, I have something to do." Handing him the keys I walked past the security man.

"No wonder humans disappear their owners are clueless." Coming to a short stop I removed my shades and walked up to the man. "Excuse me?"

He smiled at me like a jock would. "You herd me, clueless." Looking at the other man I handed him my shades. "Hold this for me."

He eyed me as I just smiled at him for a minute before I punched him in the face. "Never talk to me like that again or I'll have your dick cut off and feed it to my pet shark."

Kicking his side a few times I straightened myself up. "Thanks doll face." Putting my shades back on I walked over to Georges car and leaned against it.

He looked up from putting his last bag inside. "Can I help you?" He pushed the cart away and headed for the drivers side door. Getting in his way he was getting pissed.

"Look lady my eyes and heart are already set on one lady." Crossing my ankles I removed my shades. "Is her name Gwen by any chance?" He stared at me for a minute until he recognized me.

He picked me up and spun me around. "You don't know how hard its been on me since you left." He told me as he set me down. I stayed close in his arms not wanting to leave his hold.

"I've missed you" I told him as I set my forehead on his. "So have I baby." He looked behind and raised his eyebrow. Turning around to see what he was looking at I grinned.

"Why is a security man walking over here with a bloody nose and a cop?"

"I might have punched him but hey lets see how fast your baby can go." I hurried over to the other side and hopped in. George put it in drive and sped away and headed where ever.

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