chapter 10

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Bonus Chap :) enjoy


Looking around I noticed I wasn't laying down in pain or bleeding out. I was standing under a tall Oak tree with soft green grass.

I was barefoot with a black gown. There was no wind, everything was still. Birds whistled in the distance as a couple of butterflies fluttered around.

The sky was a baby blue with a few scattered clouds. The sun was high but it didn't seem so hot. It seemed and felt like a safe place I would always come too.

"Gwen" I heard a girl whisper behind me. I didn't tense up or feel the need to attack. The voice made me feel safe and secure.

Turning around I gasped in shock to see who was standing in the light. My mom and dad stood smiling brightly at me. They looked like they could cry any moment.

I ran up to them and hugged them tightly. They felt so real and looked real but they weren't. I felt tears on my cheeks but not from me but from my mom.

Pulling away I looked between with so much happiness. "I thought you guys were dead. Not to sound mean or anything but..." I trailed off in a soft whisper.

"We are sweet heart but were only spirit's. Gwen honey your dead. That's why we came. You still have a choice to come back alive or stay here with your family."

I took a few steps back and stared at them, with an open mouth. "No. I can't be. I...I have a daughter that barely knows who her father is. She's just ten years old, she needs a mother."

My mom looked at me with sad eyes. "I know but I can guarantee your daughter and George will get along."

I didn't say anything to her, what could I say? I rather be with my daughter and George. Seeing my parents in front of me I missed them more than anything. I wanted to stay but I wanted to be with my family.

"Honey were not trying to sound selfish about trying to convince you to stay. We just...your our little girl. We miss you so much, even your brother."

"Aron?" I whispered and my mother nodded her head. "Where is he? Why isn't he here?"

"Only so many can come visit you and see what path you choose." I didn't say anything as I looked at nothing but the sky. "Our time is up and he's waiting to see you."

Looking at them I cracked a small smile. Hugging them I kissed their cheeks. "I love you mom, dad. My path will be most likely to stay here with you all."

They grinned and my dad set his hand on my cheek before they disappeared. Taking a shuddering breath I waited for my brother.

Seconds later I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around I didn't even stop to see what he looked like as I hugged him.

He hugged me back and picked me up, swinging me around. Laughing I held onto him until he stopped and set me down.

"How's my little sister doing?" Smiling I set my hand on my hip. "I'm better now that I get to see you and our patents."

He grinned and pinched my cheek.  I slapped his hand away and my smile slowly faded. "Your not sure about your decision are you?" Looking away from him to avoid the tears.

"Its just I miss you guys so much it breaks my heart. But leaving my daughter at such a young age."

When I looked up at my brother he was no longer standing there. The place I was in a few seconds ago was gone.

I saw George leaning over my body crying. I saw a pool of blood circling me along with George. I felt the tears run down my cheeks.

"You don't have much time to choose. You must choose your path here and now." Aron told me and I glanced at him with my hands on head.

"I don't know" I whispered softly.

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