chapter four

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             Wednesday night


"Okay, okay, you better stand up, so that you can sit the fuck down, and shut the fuck up, cause I'm going to explain to you the rules" I demanded and Xander and Zoey both plopped down I'm their butts and looked at me.

I inhaled sharply as I composed myself.

"The game of hide and go seek requires unique skill and speed. I stand before ye today, as to explain the rules of such a game that became an even greater phenomenon" I said drunkenly and made Xander and Zoey laugh. "RuLe NuMBeR oNE.. No MuRDerINg EaCh OThEr BeecaUSe u SuCk NuTS.. " I stated crossing my arms. Then I suddenly groaned and I hit the cold kitchen floor. Fuck me for getting drunk. Now I'm going to be late AND have a hangover. And that's exactly what happened. Zoey was shaking me awake, she was already ready and had her backpack on and a piece of toast in her mouth. "(y/n) wake UUUUUPPPP!!! " She shouted and I shot upward causing an immense amount of pain in my head. "What the hell Zoe!!!??? " I said rubbing my temples trying to chill out a bit. She shrugged "fine, new late if you want, your loss" She said standing back up and pointing at the clock and my eyes widened in shock. I was going to be late, I hurriedly ran around to get my stuff ready and get food. I was going to have to take my bike today, that way I had a fraction added to my chances of not being late.

Oh boy.

Fischbachs POV

I grabbed my bag before checking the clock, I was on the verge of being late today. I brushed back my hair with a sigh, then headed out the door and raced for my car and I suddenly collided with something and then hit the floor.
"Oh, fuck me! " I almost shouted, I then looked up to see I had bumped into someone. It was (y/n), she was blushing hard and looked frustrated. "Oh, hey fischbach, I'm really sorry, in just in a bit of a hurry, I'm close to being late.... " She explained quickly and offered to help me up. I accepted her offer and got off the floor.

"Do.. You want a ride? " I offered and she sighed. "At this point, I can't decline, Xander stole my bike anyway." She said, defeated and we walked to my car, I got in the drivers seat and she got into the passenger seat. I started my car and we headed off to the school. "I didn't know you lived anywhere near me.. "
(y/n) said while looking out the window. I shrugged. "I should say the same for you. Also you look a bit...Disheveled, You Okay? " I said nervously. "No. In fact I'm quite the opposite.. " She said turning to face me, then continued. "I'm stressed out from being so close to being late, and I have a hangover cause my friends spiked my drinks, and on top of it all, I have to deal with being bullied again because everyone thinks that I like this random kid that I have never even met and... " She paused and inhaled deeply. "Im sorry... I kinda went off there... " She explained and I chuckled. "You're perfectly fine, if I ask what's wrong, I want to know what's wrong, it's not like I asked just to hear you say 'I'm fine' there's no need to apologize.. " I explained and she smiled softly.

"Thanks for caring, most people don't seem too. " She said as we arrived at the school, to be specific, ten minutes before the bell rang. I parked my car and we both got out and started booking it into the school. We didn't care if anyone saw us because most of the kids on campus are near their classes already.

Five minutes.

Why does the campus have to be so big? Jesus Christ.

Two minutes.

We both made it near the classroom, I stopped myself before anything bad happened but (y/n) couldn't stop herself and ran into the door of the classroom. Probably only worsening her headache by a lot so I tapped her shoulder, handed her a pill for the hangover cause I get them too, and then told her to go into the class and that I will go in after the bell rings, she nodded in agreement, breathing heavily, swallowed the pill, and then walked into the classroom. After about a minute past the bell ringing I walk into the classroom and I see everyone's eyes on me, it made me feel a little awkward sometimes but being a teacher means you have to be good at public speaking and handling public humiliation.

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