Chapter eleven

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Marks POV

I just say back down in my chair as some of the students just had a miniature panic attack. As they finally calmed down and packed up I sighed. It was fun while it lasted. Once everyone left, (y/n) and the young man from earlier came up to my desk with big grins on their faces from laughter.

The young man, whos name is Seán apparently, as I recall from the attendance list, had been hanging out with (y/n) for a while, perhaps she is finally making friends. "That was amazing, dude, you really got 'em" The young boy remarked. He had messy green hair and the sides show that it used to be brown. His eyes were a crystal blue and he had a slight scruff on his chin, following his upper lip... Slightly fluffier than mine... But not that fluffy. I'm assuming if her got rid of it he would look like a child. I chuckled to myself. "Yeah, and it was fun while it lasted. By the way (y/n), did you ever finish your work? " I bothered as Seáns smile faded and he looked at her. Just curiously though."Actually no... Come on Fischbach, you know me. " She chuckled and I smiled. "That is true, but unfortunately I can't give you a good grade, No matter how good your drawings are. " I remarked and she scoffed. "My plan has been foiled again" She laughed and I chuckled a little.

Seán was laughing softly.

There was something about him that just put me off a little... Then he looked at me. With his crystal eyes. But they weren't normal, one of them was completely black. I shivered at his cold gaze. When he finally took his eyes off me his eyes had returned to normal. Odd kid.

I sighed as I stood up.

"Well, I gotta go. " I said as I grabbed my stuff. "Man. We all love joking around with the teacher, and we hate it when he leaves. " Seán remarked, obviously sarcastically and I chuckled nervously. "Yeah... " I muttered and then walked off.

I saw (y/n) pull out her phone as I left.

Your POV

I pulled out my phone as soon as fischbach left the room. I knew I couldn't go with him today, So I figured I would text him.


You: Hey, you doing okay?

Markimoo: yeah. I miss you already.

You: it's okay, and, when you left the room, you seemed on edge... Anything up with that?

Markimoo: Well, It's Seán really, he um.. Sets off some red flags in my head.

You: I mean, he isn't too bad, but I can see where you are coming from, Anyway I just got back to my place so I gotta get busy.. TTYL?

Markimoo: of course.. Love you.

You: love you too bb... Bye..


I sighed as I threw my bag down and turned money the lights and The house was cleaner than I remember. Odd. Seán followed me back to my room and the calmly put his stuff down near my bed, the sat down on one of the large bean bags in my room as I sat in my gaming chair. "What do you wanna do? " I asked and he shrugged. "Overwatch on your Xbox One, Uh, Halo, truth or dare, I'll do anything." He said, smiling and I smiled back. My smile faded as I felt my phone start vibrating and I took it out of my pocket, thinking it was Mark, but when I checked it, it was Zoey. "Hang on, I gotta take this. " I said, leaving the room. Seán just smiled as I left.

"Hey Zoe, what's up? " I asked
"Don't 'what's up' me. You haven't come back to the house in days and now I finally know why."
"Uh. Zoe what are you talking about? " I muttered nervously.
"Honey, take a look at the picture I just sent you. " She said flatly and I put her on speaker and I went to view out conversation. When I saw the picture I froze. It was a photo of Mark and I kissing from this morning. How the hell?!
"Zoey, what the hell? "
"I busted you, girl, Finally. You've been seeing your teacher. I have a friend in that class that you don't know about and he snapped that photo from good ol' Fischbachs' window. " She explained and I started mentally panicking. It had to have been that kid that kept stalking us.
"So what? I'm not 13, it's not like he can get arrested or anything. " I shrugged.
"Hun, he can get fired for seeing you. "
"I know. So why don't you keep your nose out of and away from my business. " I suggested in an unintendedly harsh tone and Zoey sighed.
"Fine. But you know I'm all in for the drama, if anything serious happens, let me know girl. " She said and she hung up and I immediately started hyperventilating. What am I gonna do, I have to tell Mark. I quickly went to me and Zoey's conversation and saved the photo and then switched over to me and Mark's conversation.


You: Love you too, bb, bye

You: Mark, we have a serious problem.

Markimoo: What is it?

You: *sent a photo*

Markimoo: What the hell!? Who did that?!

You: I think it was the kid that kept stalking us yesterday, it had to have been, and apparently it was one of my friend, Zoey's friends.

Markimoo: Oh shit, (y/n), if we don't steer away peering eyes, were gonna be in a deep hole that we won't be able to get out of.

You: ik, I don't want you to loose your job.

Markimoo: I'm not even worried about that, I'm worried about you, can't you get expelled for that? Wouldn't your parents be mad?

You: ... Mark. It's okay. Take a deep breath for me, we'll talk this over next time we see each other. Agreed?

Markimoo: Agreed. Stay safe, I love you.

You: I love you too, Markimoo.

I stopped the conversation and sighed, turning off my phone and placing it down. "What am I gonna do? " I groaned quietly to myself. "I'll figure it out later. for now, I have to handle Seán. Maybe he'll help me forget this for a minute. I grabbed my phone and walked back into my room. " Sorry about that, stuff with my friends. " I chuckled and he chuckled. "It's fine." He said and I thought for a moment. "How about a little bit of drunk Minecraft, me and my friends play it all the time! "I asked and he shrugged. I had to lie about who I played it with cause really it was mark. He would always play drunk Minecraft with me to make me feel better, etc. "Alright, you think you can set up the game while I go grab the drinks, You're Irish, what do you prefer " I said, winking. He chuckled and stood up, walking over to the game system.

"Well, in all honesty, I could go for some whisky, but, I think you'd be better.. " He said smirking and I blushed heavily. "Shush. " I said jokingly making him chuckle again.

This is not going to end well. I know it.

After a few games of me and Seán getting drinks and fighting over the remote to see who could build the biggest dick monument, and then us getting even more intoxicated only to have us explode everything we each built and then fighting, I started to calm down from the effects of the alcohol, but then I looked a Seán who was relaxing against the bed and sitting on the floor, smiling. I scooted over to him and leaned against him. He chuckled softly. "Did ya have fun? " He asked, obviously handling the alcohol better than I was. "Yeah... You?" I asked. "Of course, but the fun hasn't really even started yet... " He mentioned and I blushed as I think I knew what he meant.

He chuckled darkly and then grabbed my by the jaw, pulling me into a passionate but rough kiss and I quickly pushed him off me, blushing. "Come on, (y/n). You know you want to. " He said drunkly as he snaked his arms around my waist and I grabbed his wrists in protest, but he wouldn't move. "N-no." I stuttered. I looked up at him and is left eye had gone all black and empty, his skin had gone unnaturally pale and his hair had grown darker green. I lifted his chin only to see a currently bleeding slit on his throat. I didn't look away, or freak out, I was frozen in fear.

"How are you not dead..? " I asked quietly and he shrugged. "That doesn't matter right now kitten, What matters, Is you.. " He said in a somehow glitchy voice, then proceeded to kiss and bite my neck and I stifled a moan or two...
"So you enjoy this... Don't you? " He asked in a flat but still glitchy tone. "N-No." I muttered weakly and he chuckled. "Don't lie to me, kitten. " He chuckled and I bit back a moan as he kept kissing and biting my neck. He smirked and slid his hands from my thighs, up my sides and under my shirt.. His cold touch made me jump a little as he touched my breasts.

I don't like where this is going.

(Sorry I didn't get really into it... I already told you... It's the middle of the night XD but the detail will be in the next chapter. I swear on it.. See you then!)

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