Chapter seventeen

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Your POV

~1 month after Seán's arrest~

I sighed shakily as I sat on the cold hard floor and I clenched my teeth.

"Mark" I breathed weakly and I heard a low growl. "Mark, where are you? You said you would always protect me, so why aren't you now? " I shivered as a tear ran down my cheek, leaving a bitter sting as it hit my scars. I shifted my head a little as I heard something whip through the air and then a large kitchen knife stuck into the wall dangerously close to my face and I choked back a sob. "Mark. Please. " I breathed before tears began to flood my face, stinging every last scar, but I didn't pay much mind to it.

I heard heavy footsteps approach me, each one echoing as it hit the cold, hard, stone floor. I didn't move, I was petrified. "Princess." I heard above me, I could feel her hovering above me, and I could almost imagine the dirty look on her cold, pale face, and it hurt. I sniffed and sobbed as I curled up, hugging my legs, and buried my face in my knees. "Look at me when I speak to you. " She demanded and I did as she said, my eyes on the verge of closing and never opening again, my heart on the verge of stopping and never beating again. I sniffed and she kneeled down, then grabbed my jaw with her cold grip and I shivered as she forced me to face her and her dead look. "You made a mistake, princess. " I tore my head away from her grip, clenching my teeth. "I k-know. So why are you torturing me? W-why don't you just kill me? " I cried and she chuckled lowly. "Cause I want you to feel how it really felt when you did that. " She explained, standing up, and I just looked back down at the hard stone floor and I saw a small bug scurrying across it. I shifted backwards a little, the chains that held me down rattled as I did, and the bug stopped and turned toward me, and I was surprised when it didn't move. I narrowed my eyes at it before I heard footsteps again and the bug hurriedly scuttled away. I sighed, a little upset the bug left.

"How long? " I breathed and the footsteps stopped in their tracks. "How long. Will I be here? How long will I have to endure this never ending guilt? " I questioned and I looked up into the darkness. "Poor little thing. I'm afraid I'm going to have to keep you here for the rest of your life. " She said in a fake, pouty tone and I tensed. "I'd rather be dead." I hissed and she chuckled. "Too bad. We don't all get what we want, now do we? " She spat and I clenched my teeth. I tried to get up but every single cut and bruise on my body immediately stung, along with my broken ankle, and I grunted and as I hit the ground I bit my lip and I groaned. "Oh my god, how much more pathetic can you get? This is like watching a drug addict that's half way passed out search a dumpster for something tasteful. " She commented and I growled internally 'this bitch. ' I thought to myself before I sat back down and started to think. How can I get out of here without getting shot, stabbed, or getting a bone broken.

Mark's POV

I sat at my desk and stared at my computer screen in thought. I looked at (y/n)'s record and she hasn't been here since I let her go home after 'Jack' got arrested. 'She never skips a day of school, so why an entire month? What could've happened to her? She won't answer my texts or my calls.' I sighed in genuine worry. What'll I do? What if she's dead? I felt a thump in the back of my head and I grunted silently.

"Hey dork, me and Wilford might've just found your girlfriend. " Dark said and I smiled. I got up and excused myself from the class while they did their work and I walked to the teachers lounge and slipped into the bathroom. "What's going on with her? Where is she? " I immediately questioned as I looked in the mirror so I could see Dark and Wilford. "I sent a tracking device, or maybe a few, around town to search for her, and one of them has footage if her in a dark room and covered in scars and bruises, on top of that she was chained up. I'm pretty sure she got kidnapped. " Dark explained and I clenched my teeth. "We have to go save her" I insisted and Wilford held up his hand for Dark. "Hang on Superman. This place won't be easy to get into. Oh and, what I found odd was that... " Dark paused and turned a screen towards me of the tracking device wandering around and he paused the video on a door.

"That right there my friend, is her dear friend Xander's house. "

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