Chapter eighteen

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Your POV

I grunted as I hit the floor and I was roughly grabbed and locked back in a chain, and of course, on my broken ankle. I winced quietly and I heard her laugh. "You won't be able to escape that easy, and be happy we didn't hurt you this time. " She said before she started to walk off. "Didn't hurt me..? Didn't hurt me!? You slammed me into the wall, and you stabbed me in the fucking shoulder, and you threw me into the floor and chained me up by my swollen, snapped ankle! I'm in immense pain you asshole! " I shouted and she stopped in her tracks and I could practically see the sheer hatred radiating off her. "The fuck did you just say to me, you whiney ass bitch!? " She hissed before I heard a gun cock from behind her and my muscles tensed.

"Stay the hell away from her, cunt. " A deep voice boomed across the room and I almost began to cry. "Oh well would you look at that, Xander, her boyfriend is here to save her. " She muttered and I felt the tight chains over my ankle being loosened. I looked beside me and saw Dark and Wilford and I smiled. "Dark, Wilford! " I whispered in happiness but they shushed me. I looked back at Xander and his Mystery Bitch, and behind them, I saw Mark. Oh god, he's gonna get killed. I stood up weakly while they were distracted and I ran and tackled Xander's Mystery Bitch to the floor and I held her down. Xander turned to me and aimed the gun directly at me but before he could pull the trigger, a bullet rode right through the back of his head and out of his forehead. I threw up in my mouth a little as I watch the blood pour out from the wound and he slowly hit the floor. Mark looked at me as he lowered his weapon and I stared at him. I didn't know whether to be upset or relieved, because on one hand, he just killed one of my childhood best friends, but on the other hand, he just saved me from getting a bullet through the face. Before I could fully think it through though, I heard chains rattling behind me, then I heard them click and Dark lifted me off of the Mystery Bitch, who I had just noticed, began to cry as she stared at Xander's lifeless body, bleeding out on the cold, hard floor. I gagged a little and Mark helped Dark get me out of the room and we locked them both in.

I quickly hugged Mark and I started crying into the crook of his neck, and he hugged me back, tightly. "It's okay, (y/n). You're okay. " Mark said and I sniffed and exhaled sharply. "It's not, Mark... My best friend is dead. " I muttered and Mark snarled. "Your 'best friend' tried to kill you. " He reasoned and I sobbed a little louder. "I know! " I cried and I hugged Mark tighter. "Can we go to the hospital now? My ankle hurts like hell and my shoulder is still bleeding profously. " I muttered, sniffling and Mark nodded. "Yeah, we'd better get that fixed up." He agreed and I stumbled out of the house, behind Dark and Wilford, and Mark guiding me so I don't fall.

Mark's POV

I sat outside y/n's hospital room, staring at the door. I sighed before I weakly sank back into my chair and looked up at the ceiling, where I then saw Dark, but I ignored him. I was seemingly unable to take my mind off of y/n's wounds, especially her ankle. It looked far beyond repair and horribly infected. The stab wound on her shoulder was still bleeding in heavy amounts, therefore it was new, but I'm pretty sure that was also badly infected. "Too much on the brain, eh? " Dark questioned, taking a seat next to me in one of the rickety plastic chairs. I shrugged. "It looked so bad. Do you think she'll be okay? " I muttered quietly and Dark shrugged his shoulders. "If all goes well, of course. The worst that could happen is... Well, I don't wanna worry you. " He cut himself off, leaving me somewhat curious, but also grateful. I jumped as I heard the door next to me open, from y/n's room, and a tall, dark skinned doctor approached me. "Sir, you were the one who brought her here, correct? " He asked and I nodded, looking up at him from my chair. "Do you know how she got her injuries? Her ankle is horribly mangled, amount other things, but one thing we didn't find until our x-ray, was a chip in between her shoulders. Do you know anything? " He explained and I held back my shock at his statement. "N-No sir, not about the chip, but as for her other injuries she was attacked by one of her friends and his girlfriend. I went in looking for her and saw them about to shoot her. " I muttered and the doctor nodded. "Yes sir. Thank you. And I'm afraid you'll have to be going. Visiting hours are over and (y/n) is about to go into surgery. " He stated and I nodded, worried, but abided by the rules and saw to my way out and home, I wasn't even considerkng the papers I had to grade, or the assignments I had to plan. In fact,

The only thing on my mind was y/n's safety.

And why she had a chip in between her shoulders.

Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, It didn't take but too long to write, but the next one probably will. Hopefully not. But yeah. Either way, you put your theories together, who was Xander's mystery beau?Why does y/n have a chip in her shoulder? Is Mark ever gonna grade those papers? That's all up to you.

Have fun kids! I'll see you then!

Deuces! 👏✌

All new uploads for this story will take place every other Thursday, if I don't upload, you are allowed to assume the following:

-My batteries are drained and it may take extra time

-The chapter is extra long

-I'm dead

-I have school work to do on the side, plus two other stories, and I'm probably doing those

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