Chapter nineteen

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Your POV

I sighed as I sat down next to Mark and he turned to me. "Something up? That sigh sounded depressed. " He joked and I shrugged, "I've just been feeling off lately, and I haven't seen Dark or Wilford for weeks. " I stated and Mark thought for a moment "Come to think of it, I haven't seen them either, nor heard from them. I think they're trying to figure out what's up with that thing in your shoulder. " He suggested and I pondered. "Perhaps. " I muttered quietly. "I'm gonna go for a walk, maybe try to clear my head" I stated and I stood up, causing Make to immediately interject, worried, but I assured him I'd be fine and if anything bad happened I would call him, and I went off with my jacket down the street. I started fairly slow paced and was relaxing, letting my mind run wild as I saw my surroundings, dimly lit by the falling sun, bad I sighed in awe, before my mind focused back on where I was walking, and I stopped as I stepped on a collar.

"That's odd" I muttered to myself before I bent over to pick it up and read it. The silver tag of the collar glistened in the light and it read the name 'Dunkin' on it. I flipped it over to see if there was any other information but nothing. I sighed and stood up, putting the collar in my pocket and approaching a quaint little coffee shop at the corner and I paused, then smiled to myself. "I remember this place. I haven't been to it since I started hanging out with Mark" I recalled aloud and I walked into it, and an ever so familiar scene played out in front of me, with the young barista standing at the counter, doodling on a receipt, and she looked up as she heard the little bell from the door and she smiled softly and waved, and I waved back, taking a seat at a table by the window.

I looked out the window at the sunlight shining over the tall buildings and I took a deep breath. The weekend had already rolled around and it was starting to have the past events of my life sink in at a fast rate. The barista soon came to visit my table and she smiled "would you like anything, ma'am?" She asked politely and I smiled "No, thank you though" I mumbled softly and she nodded and walked off. I looked out the window at the streets and watched as society moved through the day. I turned and scanned the Coffee Shop, and soon enough another person walked in. They were wearing all black and they walked straight up to the counter, so fast I didn't get a chance to see their face.

I felt my muscles tense at the persons presence and I felt a shiver up my spine. Their voice seemed eerily familiar as I heard them speak to the barista, and I started to think of where I've heard it before. It was most definitely a male. I discreetly laid my eyes on him to examine him and as he took a seat at one of the tables we locked eyes and as I saw his I immediately diverted eye contact, scared, and I stood up and hurried out of the shop. I kept my eyes on the ground, and I checked behind me to assure I wasn't being followed, and I slowed my pace, taking deep, heavy breaths. I looked around precariously and I stopped as I heard a soft mew and I looked down and saw a small black cat, it's eyes a piercing blue color and I froze, confused and scared, and I suddenly remembered the collar I had taken and I pulled it out, looking at it.

"Is this yours? " I asked softly and the cat looked at the collar as I held it out for it to see and the cat sniffed it and it jumped back a slight, hissing and I took a step back, not realizkng I had stepped into the street, I sighed and watched as the small cat, with a furrowed tail and back, quickly lept over boxes and rotten pieces of wood to get to the top of the dumpster and over the fence. "Guess not" I mumbled to myself and I heard a car nearby but from how close it was it was too late for me to move. I started to panic and I grunted as I felt something heavy hit my stomach and I felt backward at the impact, I hit the ground with my eyes closed by instinct as I did so, only hearing a grunt above me and the car coming to a halt with a loud screech of the tires.

I weakly adjusted myself, stumbling as I regained my balance and I looked to see who the miracle worker that saved my life was, only to see it was the man in black from earlier and I physically stumbled back in surprise and fear. I watched him carefully as he stood up and he looked at me, his hoodie falling off. "I'm sorry" He mumbled, putting his hands up in defense as I walked back to the sidewalk, and he followed. "I mean, you saved my life, without a doubt, but... " I paused, stunned and without words for this predicament, and he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"I missed you. " He stated, his voice was warbly but I could still distinguish his thick Irish accent without effort. The voice ringing in my head as I flashbacked to the times he tried to hurt me, my head starting to hurt and my eyes welling up. "How... How did you escape. How did you find me. Why are you even here. Shouldn't you be trying to kill me for what I did? " I spat in a panic and he shushed me. "It's okay. I forgive you, and so does Anti. " He stated. I stayed silent, still not knowing what to say, and only wanting to see Mark. "(Y/n) I'm sorry I hurt you and tried to hurt you in the past. Please. I beg of your forgiveness" He pleaded and I stayed silent once more, knowing that if I did give in to his request it could be bad news.

Why does shit like this have to happen to me?

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