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Taylor's pov

So here was the plan, Sprint to Ryker car, and go to Ash's house from there or houses were all almost in equal distance away from each other. Ryker would go with Kevin, Lucas would come with me, and Meaw would stay with Ash. My house was a block away from Ash, when we pulled into her driveway Lucas and I spontaneously jumped out of the car and began running. I had to pull my inhaler out at one point.
Fuking Asthma.

When we reached my garage door I realize the fault in our plan. There was no electricity meaning the garage door wouldn't have opened. Instead I made my way along to our front door was finding the spare key and opening it that way.

When I was in the house I beeline for my bedroom. Doping the contents of my backpack onto the floor I shoved a couple of pares of clothes into the bag. I grabbed pictures and pocket knives left in spare drawers.

Already wearing decent jeans, I pulled off my small jacket and changed into a flannel shirt. Then I grabbed for the small jacket and put it back on making my way to the hall closet.

After fumbling for a moment I found my Dusty old leather jacket. It was thick at the base of the arms so hopefully nothing could bite through it, at least that was my plan.

I went back to my room and pulled on some combat boots throwing my Converse into the bag with the rest of my clothes, i walked over to my vanity and grabbed my glasses. Contact wouldn't be as much and you said anymore. I staired at my Supernatural poster one last time before leaving the room And then headed for the kitchen grabbing as many spare cans of food as I could find and throwing in water bottles. Barking from outside alerted me of my small Corgi.

I went to the back door and unlocked it opening up the puppy pen and reached down to grab Thor.
I pulled the dog inside and went to go find his dark blue collar.

" whoa whoa whoa, what is this?" Lucas his voice scared me a little, I had forgotten he was there. " you're bringing a dog!" His question sounded more like a statement.
Shaking my head yes I continued to fasten the collar around his neck.
" you can't just bring a dog! it's the zombie apocalypse!"

Standing up I was face-to-face with Lucas, I was a little bit shorter than him my head only reaching the height of his shoulders, but I stared at his dark blue eyes," yeah well I'm not leaving him here" my voice was more Stern than I had meant.
Marching into my parents room I opened my Dad's closet and pulled out three of his jackets. They all smelled like him.
"Here" I said tossing one of them at Lucas, "since we're not going into your house you'll need a better jacket for winter. Don't screw this one up I'm expecting it back."

he pulled the dark cotton jacket on, and it was basically the same size. My dad was always a very fit and skinny man. And though I was not what you would call skinny, I still swam in that jackets comparison.
I went for my mom's closet next grabbing one or two of her sweaters and stuffing them into my bag. Then I went under the bed and grabbed a good pair of snow boots and tucked them in as well. I knew Winters here, and they were never pretty.
Going back into the kitchen I open the medical cabinet and placed as many inhalers as I could find into a different pouch. I grabbed three bottles of ibuprofen one Tylenol and and extra( purple inhaler), followed by my nebulizer.
I looked to Lucas,"you have a generator, right?"
He nodded and picked up the bulky thing, finding a place for it in 5he bah.
There was one last thing on my checklist, being a girl was going to suck. I ran into the bathroom and grabbed my storage of pads and tampons and stuff them into the bag, as well as grabbing my retainer, toothbrush, and toothpaste.
When everything looks good to go I headed for the garage. I walked up to the large gun safe and looked at the spinning dial. 20, 15, 27.

When the safe clicked open I grabbed another duffle bag and stuffed all the ammo into it making sure each box was closed so that the bullets wouldn't get mixed.
Then I went for the guns. I pulled out some of the cases and loaded the shotguns. Then I put them in a separate bag.
I put our 3 handguns in two separate pouches, before grabbing are two rifles. I handed the large black rifle to Lucas. It was my dad's hunting rifle and had much more of a kick than mine.
He put it in a case and put it into the same bag it as the shotguns. I strapped my 25 ought 6 rifle on the outside.
Then walking over to the last cabinet I drew out all the knives I clipped my hunting knife on to the side of my belt and slid my rockhounding knife into my boot sheathe and strapped it to my calve.
Then I grab the rest of the knives and put them in the opposite pouch as the handguns. Last or my four katanas.
At this point you might be wondering why we have so many weapons, all I can say is that I really liked them. One of my katanas had a dragon pattern on the side of it the other 3 wrapped in snake skin we slid those into a separate bag and carried our large load out in front of my house.
I clipped a leash on to Thor's caller and watched as the small brown and white dog padded along in front of me.
He knew something was wrong but he didn't know what. A few minutes later Ryker and Kevin pulled up in front of my house.
It was difficult getting everything to fit into the back of ryker's small car, but once we got to Lucas's house that problem would be fixed for we would be in a much larger van.
The back was loaded with everything Kevin had needed, along with a couple guns that his parents had owned.
We Fit into the small car, with a little bit of cramming. It was going to be difficult to get all of Ash's things plus her and Meaw into this car.
But we had to do it.
Thor sat on my lap and licked my hand, I just kept telling myself over and over again.
Everything would be okay.

Woo two chapters in one day! I'm trying to write each chapter over a thousand words. I'm sorry if they get kind of muddy but I really want to get this story out of my brain and onto paper (well, i mean on to a computer).
I'm really excited for where the story could go!! I'm very sick at the time of writing this and I'm coughing about every 3 minutes, but I'm going to try to get at least two more chapters done wish me luck! And if you're reading this in the future I'm sorry you're having to read this part!

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