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I locked the doors and pivoted in my chair.

Ash sat up in alarm, Now wide awake. The barricade had to be at least five cars long. The dead stalked towards us, stumbling upon newly broken bones and a burning flesh.

"What do we do now?" I asked, meeting eyes with Lucas.

"There was another turn back there," Ryker motioned backwards, in the valley," but I don't where it will put us."

We weighed the options. Having limited time, due to zombies and fire, we knew this was the path to take.

"The van can take it Taylor."Lucas said, climbing over seats to be next to me,"Just take it slow."

I put the car in drive and inched forwards slightly. I gained a little more ground and speed when we came into contact with the first zombie. He hit with a thud before going under the wheels. Next was a car, I turned to the left and easily avoided it. The problem though, lie ahead. Two cars sat facing each other, blocking the road. Conveniently a swarm of zombies also lay in our path.

As I made my way down the road, Ryker stuck his arm out the window, easily taking out some of the stray zombies. Few went under the wheels, one got shoved off the cliff when Lucas opened the door to knock him off.

When the van hit the cars, it jerked backwards. The cars weren't moving. I sped up, the wheels moving fasting but not going anywhere. That's when the zombies hit the van. Thuds rumbled on the left side, causing Meaw to shriek.

"Get them off us!"Kevin shouted

Lucas and Ryker hopped out of the van, armed with a hand gun and a crow bar.

"Kevin go help, I got it!" I said, pressing down harder on the gas.

He jumped out of the car, his shot gun firing instantly. Ash closed the door, as I struggled with controlling the wheel.

"The van can take it my ass" I said in a half mocking half grunting voice.

I slammed the gas pedal down as far as it could go, and with some long forgotten power, the two cars screeched against the concrete ground, one setting sparks flying into the air, the other slowly falling off the cliff.

I slammed on the breaks praying it would stop before we crashed. It skidded to a halt, making a noise that reminded me of Transformers.

Fiery red hair spilled into my face, as I let my head fall to the steering wheel. I breathed in and out slowly. Deep roots in my brain breaking through a decade of all ready rotting walls. I sucked in a breath. It was hard to intake air.
No, no. You are not having an Asthma attack. No, no, I refuse.

I heaved in more air before forcing it out. My head spinning, all I could focus on was breathing.

What the hell started an Asthma attack! I cursed in my head.

I suppose I wasn't breathing.


I motioned to Ash with my hand, not realizing I was hitting Meaw's knee.

"Inhaler" was the only word I got out before began wheezing so loudly, I was sure the Zombies could hear me.

My body spasmed, and I moved to the doors before coughing so violently I puked.

At that point Ash had seen what was happening. She dug through my bag until she pulled out the red object. She placed it in my hand as my stomach attempted to kill me.

When i had nothing left to puke up, I put the inhaler an inch away from my mouth before inhaling as I pressed the top down.

I must have sat there for ten minutes, the world went fuzzy for a bit, and I still couldn't control my breathing.

That's when it hit me.

Lucas jumped in the front seat, as Kevin and Ryker filed into the back. Lucas fired off another shot before the van shot into gear. More zombies lie ahead.

A panic attack. I Thought, this is a panic attack.

Thuds against the side of the van pushed us towards the right, towards the cliff.

A sharp left turn sent me flying into wrong end of a seat belt. I stood as much as my head would allow and made my way into the passenger seat.

Lucas stared at me for half a second before making another sharp turn. This time the dead and the cars worked together, for as we went over a corpse the bump sent the van hurtling into a truck.

The out side are was cold air I realized the sliding doors where open. The van had barely stopped it time, the front, I knew would still be partially smashed.

The cold was new, and as my head stopped ringing I turned to see Meaw laying on the ground. Kevin stood above her shooting behind us, while Ryker struggled to hoist the small girl into the van. With one quick look to her right leg i noticed a fairly sized gash, oozing out blood and struck with glass. The wound went from her inner ankle, wrapping around to almost her knee. When she was in the car, screams echoed. She sobbed as Ash frantically pulled Meaw onto her body. She held her across the stomach as I unbuckled to face them. This was a problem.

Only knowing basic medical treatment, i yelled for Ryker to throw me the first aid kit.

As Kevin climbed into the car, i watched him trying to not gag.

He went to the back of the van, as far away as he could get.

"Drive!" Ryker yelled to Lucas, as he got into front seat.

The van was moving before i could think. The kit sat i front of me, not knowing entirely what the hell i was doing, I grabbed the alcohol first. I poured it over my hands.

"This is really going to hurt"

I poured it over her leg, and the small girl grunted, speaking words i could only assume where cuss words, in Thai.

The would almost fizzled as I began carefully pulling out the glass chunks.

When all but the blood had been removed i crapped a white towel and dabbed it against the blood.

"Kevin, I need to get me water." When there was no response I got louder,"Please Kevin."

A minute later one of the water pails sat in front of me.

I heard whimpering and realized Kevin was holding Thor and Lola.

Small barks came from the back of the van as I dipped the cloth into an edge of the pan. I then began. Cleaning the wound, but as i did, blood kept filling up areas I had been over.

"It needs stitches."

WOO NEW COVER! A huge thank you to the beautiful Tylar for making it!
Personally i felt my leg go numb as i wrote this.... hell that would hurt! Thank yall sooo much for reading and ill update soon!

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