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I looked back at Lucas, who followed behind Mr. Moustache. Night was beginning to fall. Which ment it was like what 7?

I turned back and made my way qlong the rubble. Whoever decided the end of the world ment, ' lets fuck everything up' is an asshole.

I zipped my leather jacket and tightend my grip on the hunting knife in my hand.

Lucas had that gun, but that would only bring us attention. Plus, id already taken out at least two and a half Zombies.

Yes half.... you dont want to know.

Even though it was getting dark, it wasnt getting that much colder. Deep black clouds loomed over the city, and ash was starting to settle like dust.

We heard the occasional scream on the wonderful walk through this wasteland.

Croaking would come from wothin crumbling buildings, but i didnt open the door, and they didnr break through.

Cars burned arround us, and i had to keep covering my mouth with my hand.

My inhaler was in Ash's bag. Damn

We turned down a rode, with three headless zombies laying on the assault.

When i turned my head left, I saw the van.

It was busted and on its side. The doors where open.

"Stay on him," i said to Lucas," I'll go look."

As I came upon the van, there was no blood. One of the doors was broken. I looked inside, all of the bags were gone.

On the seat infront of me was a single note. It was Ashs hand writing.

Go south west. There will be a forest. Meet us there.

Ps. There's a guy with us, says you'll find his brother Max along the way, be careful.

The note was short, but I kept it anyways.

I walked back to Lucas but met eyes with Mr. Moustache, "Max?"
Was all i asked.

The mans eyes narrowed, "how..?"

I smiled,"seams our friends found your brother."

He cussed under his breath, and rolled his head back, looking up.

"Guess I'm taking yall along then." He spoke quietly.

Quick like a viper, he turned and snapped the gun out of Lucas's hand, nocking him in the lip. Then held the barrel to the ground,"now for some reason, that idiot found your group redeemable, and now I have to drag your asses to camp."

He turned to point at Lucas, spit some blood on to the ground, " you dont know where the hell you're going, so dont shoot me an you can have this," he shook the gun,"back."

Lucas looked pissed, but he didnt say anything.

When he turned to me, I pushed my glasses up with my middle finger.

Mr. Moustache gave a cocky smile and threw the gun to Lucas," lets go kitties"

What dies that even mean?  I mouthed to Lucas.

About an hour later, I was once again leading the charge.

Mr. Moustache, had gon to the back. 'To make sure nothing followed us' he said. To be honest, it was probably because Lucas's stair was shooting bullets into the back of his head.

His lip was swollen, and cracked, but he refused to let me look at it. We'd left the city about five minuts ago, and were walking down a long mountain rode. I could still see burning buildings behind us, but at least i could breath a little better. A loud shrill noise came fromw mu throat every time I inhaled.

Stupid Asthma.

The sun was on its last legs, meer moments away from slipping under the mountains top.

The sky was bright, now that we were leaving the ash clouds behind. The wind blew in my face sending bangs and stray hairs flying.

Now it was starting to get cold. The winter months were ahead of us and soon every mountain peak wouls be covered in snow. Hell, knowing Colorado, they could have snow Tomorrow.

While trudging along I looked at the sky. Orions Belt framed the galaxy above us. The world gone to shit and yet, existence could still be beautiful.

With little light pollution, I could see the stars clearly. Cassiopeia, the big dipper, and even Andromeda were visible agains the calm black.

"Think we'll live long enough to teach the names of stars?" I asked my self out loud.

Lucas looked me and shrugged.

"there was so much I wanted to do with my life." I continued," see the Aztec temples, and Stone Henge..."

"Great wall of  China," he said finishing.

I tried a smile,  but my eyes were brought back to sky. A white dot gleamed across the sky. Not a meteor, but a lowly satellite. It blinked and drifted by, unaffected by the world. Simply remaining in orbit.

Maybe thats why this had happened. Maybe our world had been staying the same. Never learning, nor evolving. Just drifting through our space.

God had thown a asteroid once. Why not a plauge? Start the world fresh, as the creatures of destruction raked havoc upon a dying world. I hoped it would start again.

Long after im dead. I want the world to be better. To be green, and beautiful. Hide every trace of our long existence, and let there never be bloodshed again.

But that wouldnt happen. We had talked on that long drive. Some military some where in some country, was still functioning. And soon we'd all go out with a boom. Not a bang, a lowd, world killing, fucking boom. And we'd all die.

The plants,
The animal,
The infected.


I looked at Lucas again, knowing he was imagining some sort of hell himself. It wasn't a comfort knowing hed never grow old. That Ash wouldnt live, to drag me to Disneyworld. Or that Meaw never got to see Thailand again.
We die would with regrets. Mine would be, that they never got to live.
Hours ago was the last time someone spoke. Mr. Moustache had told us where we were going after a mile of bickering. It was his group, or town really. They'd banded together and ran into the mountains. He said they'd "help".

After what felt like the entire night, i was shivering, and chattering, and COLD.

Mr. Moustache never said to stop walking. So we didnt. We had some jerky at one point, but other than that it was a stupid, cold, pathetic walk were all i could think about was how badly i had screwd up before the world ended. Shit, I'd never know my score on that math test.

That tore me appart more than it should have.

Finally we spoted a light. A beautiful, orange, stinking light. A fire. And as we got closer, the more we saw. It wasnt just one campfire, It was 6.

I practically jumped onto Ash, and almost rolled onto the camp fire.

This was it.
I had to believe this was it.

This was help.
Yeeeee... so thoes are some actual thoughts I've had. And yeah..... wooooo. So thats another chapter down. With every word i write im soooo happy i started writing this. Originally it was a dream i had, and now its this! Im happy i didnt stop or disgard it!
Ok thats all for now!

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