And Now A Wardrobe Change

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The cold hours turned warm as the hours passed. Thor still slept, snoring slightly. His puppy face shook with every breath. For a Corgi, he had a large snout. Combine that with ears twice the size of his head, he looked funny. Or adorable.... he was adorable.

I shook slightly from lack of sleep, willing myself to keep my eyes open.

"Dude." Kevin's voice scared me," you where supposed to wake me up three hours ago."

I shrugged, attempted to push myself up. Kevin noticing my struggle, put our his hand

A deep headache caught me off guard. I swayed for a moment. Jesus, I was tired.

With a deep yawn. I grabbed Kevin's extended hand and let him pull me to my feet.

Stumbling to the tent, I practically fell on Ryker.

With a good shove, he pushed me straight into Lucas.

At this point I was to tired to care. I settled in and gathered as much warmth as I could. Bringing my hands close to my chest and balling up. Suddenly I felt a blanket thrown across me. it was extremely warm. I opened my eyes for a moment, and saw it was from Kevin.

leaning my back on slightly on Lucas, I fell asleep, dreaming of what my life was supposed to be.


We stayed at the camp ground for two more days. None of us wanting to be crammed into a van or to face more of the dead. I constantly checked on Meaw's leg, paranoid that somehow the stitches would break and that she'd bleed out in her sleep.

when the time came to leave, the van was quickly packed, and our journey continued on. It wasn't long before we came upon a town. It started slowly, the realization that the world had gone to shit. But as Ryker drove us through what was clearly becoming a city, i felt the urge to curl up into a ball and die.

Denver. Population 700,00. A huge city nestled in the Rocky Mountains, it was a beautiful city, I had recalled visiting. It was on fire.

Survivors had to be in the city. There was no way 700,00 people just up and died. The dead stalked the side walks, limping across the ground. Fire leaked out of dumpsters and climbed up the sides of sky scrapers.

"OK,"Ryker's voice was lower than usual,"I see a thrift store, and a market. "

We had a "shopping list" to take care of. As we pulled up to the curb I opened the sliding doors and jumped out, Hunting knife in hand. Kevin followed me, his shot gun pointing higher than i would have liked. The van was still moving as we snuck into the store. We did a first sweep, walking through ever nook and cranny until I was sure that all but the back room was safe.

Pushing a wardrobe in front of the door, i made sure no zombies would get through. The store was in shambles. Clothes and hanger littered the ground. I had to make a conscience effort to not step on them.

Behind the register, there lay a body. The women's face was mangled and bashed. Her hands covered in a deep plumb blood, that stemmed from a bruised bite on her wrist and bullet hole in her stomach.

The body lay lifeless and terrifying. Shattered glass crunched under Kevins shoes as he waked twards me.

"We're clear,"he said with a nod.

I made way back out side and to the van. Meaw was getting help from Ash. When were out, Ryker banged once on the side of the van. I met his gaze for a moment before he pointed to the market across the street.

Before he left he packed Ash on the cheek and then drove off, Lucas sitting shotgun.

Clipping Thors leash on to his collar, I navigated myself through the store. Kevin, Ash, and I had tried to pack clothes, however due to weather and the always looming stench of blood, we need to change.

When I went to the back I found Ash and Lola. My best friend had pulled on some new clothes. A long sleeved maroon shirt with a black skin tight tank top, her pants where wripped at the knees and surprisingly fit her long legs all the way down to her ankles, lastly she had on a thick cotton jacket with, huh, elbo guards. She smiled at me as she sipped up a pair of combat boots.

"How you holding up." I asked neeling next to the bucket she sat on.

Ash smiled, and for a moment pain flashed in her eyes.

She didnt respond,"Here," I pulled my second long knife from my belt. It had a thick metal handle, and a blade that was made from steel.

She hesitated before grabbing the sheeth and strapping it to her pant.

From behind me i heard what sounded like a foreign cuss word. When the world was normal, Meaw seamed like the most innocent creature, and how cruel the world was to snuff out thats light.

Ash stood up and left to go help her. Now it was my turn to change. After ten minutes of searching i dug up size eight black pants, a tight fitting navy blue shirt and thin ski under coat.

Heading into the stalls, i got undressed, only stopping to look in mirror for a moment. I wasn't what you'd call skinny, but i wasn't big either. Thick thighs, littered with stretch marks and bigger breasts, had always been my body type. My stomach wasn't flat, despite not eating hardly as much. I got dressed, and finished off by puting my brown leather jacket back on. Taking one last look at myself, i noticed the brown in my eyes growing, merging with the deep forrest green. My glasses frames where dirty but I didnt care. Purple tones had begun springing up benith my eyes and freckles dusted my whole face.

The door slammed behind me as I hurried to help Meaw change into her clothes. A dusty yellow shirt and long mom genes followed by a grey hoodie.

I cleaned her leg one final time, before letting her slip into the loose pair of pants.

Thats when the shots rang out. Thor and Lola yelped in unison. The skidding of tires followed, and not long after a banging on the back rooms door.

I knew it. Always remember the horror movies.

Kevin grabbed Meaw in his arms and practically dragged Ash and me out the door. When the doors to the van swung open, i was almost hit in the face with my rifle.

"Ow!" I said, pulling it to my shoulder and cocking back the bolt. Lucas had laded it. Looking through the scope, i turned my head to him,"I'm shit at catching things." Then turned back to look again.


The bullet raced into the jaw of an oncoming Zombie. It colapsed to the ground.

As we jumped into the van. More shots fired across the air, but not from us.


Ryker drove faster than he should have, turning into an alleyway, almost flipping us.

"Gatta go gatta go gatta go!" He repeated, zooming back onto the main street.

We each had a moment to breathe, before hell decided to climb out of its pit.

Hi! So i had ZERO motivation to do anything this week and the writing block killed me. Finals are this week so that should be fun, i hope ill write, i will definitely try to! Anyways id just likw to say two things,
1. I mentioned how i want to write a chapter ever 2-3 days, and while thats completely true, i wont when something like a holiday or emergency pops up.
2. I think im going to start adding music to the beginning of the chapters. It will always be a song, and while it might not set the tone for the chapter, it might just be something i feel the characters would listen to or be feeling. These songs will most likely have cuss words so I'm sorry about that!
Anyways thats all for today!
( ps: Hope, please feel better and stop puking! Love you girly!)

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