
16 0 2

I met eyes with Ash.

Reaching into the kit I pulled out a needle and a spool of thread.

Next, I found a lighter hidden under bandages, and burned the needle until it was sterile.

Threading the needle, that would be a trivial task. When the van leveled out a bit began to try. On the the fourth time the thread went through the eye.

I looked back to the bleeding mass and prepared myself.

"I am so sorry."

The hours passed, as I sat with Lucas. My hands still bloody, but Meaw's leg was stitched. Though the small black thread was pulled together, closing the wound, a thick bandage was wrapped around her leg.
She looked drunken pain meds.

My head fell onto Lucas's shoulder. I was tired.

He stared out the window, and for a moment I didn't thing he even realized, only to have his hand come up my back and curl around my shoulder.

Slowly I fell into a deep sleep.

When I woke, sun shone through the windows and hit my eyes like a blade. It was sunset. I laid on Lucas's chest, he was breathing slowly.

Blinking furiously, I sat up and moved away. The door where open, and the van was otherwise empty.

I stepped out into the world and looked across the meas plains. It was beautiful.

Making my way around the van, i was surprised to see a tent, with a tarp branching over to a dead tree. A few bushes lay scattered around the area, but the ground was flat and ran for miles. That was, except for the valley.

The drop off was major. An almost vertical drop that would surly kill a man.

I walked to my friends. Ryker poked at a fire, Ash sat drawing, and Kevin strummed something on his guitar.

As I approached them, rocks and clay crunched beneath my feet.

I smiled weakly before sitting on the ground in front of Ash. I leaned my back on her knee, and stared out at the horizon.

Ryker joined, sitting to my right. And for a long time, as the air cooled, we listened to Kevin. The tune was familiar, and as the strings thumped I recalled the voice of Billie Eilish. The clean tune of Lovely floated into my brain.

"How was your nap."Ryker said poking me with his elbow.

"Shut up,"I smiled and elbowed him back,"Is Meaw asleep?"

He nodded and motioned to the tent,"You did great on her leg." he paused for a moment, his eyes lingering on the grey tarp," She wont be able to walk for a while, and well have to make sure it never gets infected."

"I don't even understand what happened," I said trying to recall the events leading to her injury.

"It was my fault." Now it was Lucas's voice. He stood leaning against the van,"When we went over that zombie i lost control of the steering and drove straight into a truck. when I slammed on the breaks," He motioned to where Meaw slept,"She hit the doors, which swung open, and in the impact one of the windows, it shattered."

The land was once again silent.

An echo of a scream rattled across the canyon. The world had changed, a once brutal, cruel, but beautiful world, had changed into a worldwide shit show.

Dark clouds loomed as nigh began to set in.  A movement began within our group. Meaw woke up, looking stoned.

Ryker dug in the bags and brought forth cans of chillie and green beans. That was our dinner.

Cooked over a fire it took forever, but everyone was grateful when we each got our servings.

The stars shone brightly through the clouds. I counted out the constellations.

Big dipper, north star, Orion's belt, Cassiopeia, patterns that would one day mean nothing.

The moon was waning, it would only be a couple of days before the sky would be black. I settled in my place being between ash and Lucas. Meaw lay on the right side of the tent, pushed up against the tarp. Ash lay next to her, followed by me, then, Lucas, then Kevin.
Ashs arm tucked around Lola, the smal yorki quivering frim the cold.

Thor on the other hand remained outside. I supposed he wantednti kep Ryker company.

Out side, Ryker sat against the dead tree. he hummed Radioactive, as he waited for the three hours to pass. It would be my turn to keep watch soon. My back on Ash's, I felt warmth seep in. The last thing I saw were the eyes Brown haired boy in front of me.


As I was shook awake, I had the urge to wack my waker. Ryker how dare you disrupt my dream. Grudgingly I opened my eyes and sat up as slowly as I could. For basically sleeping on the ground, I knew the bedhead would be unbearable. I slithered out of the tent, and nodded at Ryker, who chuckled.

stupid hair, I thought.

I stuck my tongue out before taking his spot on the tree. Thor curled up between my legs and kept them warm.

"Better hurry in," I said with a yawn,"My spot will get cold."

After that I was alone. Pulling my hair out of its pony, I dutch braided it before pulling back my jacket sleeve to look at my watch.


I stroked the glass face and remembered the moment I my dad gave it to me. It was during the summer, I'd wanted to go to the park with Ash, but since i was notorious for being late Dad decided to make me wear his old watch. It was brown, and the straps were worn from continuous sizing changes.

I'd hated this watch when I got it. I thought it was too bulky, to old. But as the year passed, and my parents offered to buy another, I never could get rid of this one.

Lifting my wrist to my chest, I hugged my arm. I was a strange moment, but for a second, I didn't feel alone. Thor licked licked the back of my hand.

I watched the horizon till almost seven. The sun had risin, and even though I promised to wake Kevin up at six, the cold air and the sun rise convinced me not to.


So I wrote all of this in Class and Loki got yelled at like three times. Sooo thats fun, this is fun. I hope you enjoyed and dont fined me boring. I tink im going to try and have a schedule of uploading a chapter every 2-3 days.
Anywho, I need to do a lab in Bio.

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